“What?” I asked.

“My niece and my sister-in-law were taken from their home. There has to be an accounting for that.”

“Yes, there does,” I agreed.

Not a second later, the phone that Elias had just hung up rang.

“Isaac, what do you want?” Elias said.

I could hear Isaac laugh over the phone line. “I have a gift for you,” Isaac said.

“What are you talking about?” Elias said, his voice tense.

“In light of our previous conversation, I wanted to give a token of good faith on behalf of the Sargsyan family. Give me five days and then meet me at this address,” he said.

Elias pulled his phone away from his ear, then looked down at the screen as a message came through.

“What is this about, Isaac?” Elias asked again.

“A hope that any wrongs that may have been committed can be corrected. Not righted, because what was done to you can never be fixed. But I hope a gift would be something,” he said.

“For your sake, I hope so too,” Elias said.

He hung up the phone then looked at me.

“It’s your call, Davit,” he said.

“I thought it was yours?” I countered.

He shook his head. “I’m the boss of this family, but Amethyst and Crystal are yours. We’ll play this however you want to.”

I had two options: war,a bloody one, one that we would win, but one that would come with heavy losses.

Or I could wait, see what Isaac’s gift was. Determine if it would be enough.

I wondered if anything would be enough.

“We’ll wait. But in the meantime, I want every resource we have dedicated to finding Raphael James,” I said.

“On it. Now go to your wife,” Elias said.