

“Where’sthe phone they gave her?” Elias asked.

“It’s with Narek. He’s arrived and is going over it,” I said.

Elias had pulled every resource, even bringing Narek back from the States. And I knew it would stay that way until we figured out who was behind this.

“Did you see anything at the drop?” he said.


“What about Amethyst?” he asked.

“What about me?” she responded as she entered the living room, Kayla beside her.

“What can you tell us?” Elias said.

“Wait,” I said before she could answer. “You need to rest.”

She shook her head. “No. You need to know what happened so you can figure out who helped my father.”

The rest of what I needed to do went unspoken, but I knew what she meant, just as she knew what we would do to whoever was behind this. The issue of her father went unmentioned, but I knew we would have to discuss his fate.

Just as we would have to discuss her mother.

“So there’s no reason to wait. My baby is here, and I’m fine,” she said.

“The doctor is on his way. He’s bringing a colleague to look at Crystal, and he’ll check you out too,” I said.

“Like I said, I’m fine, but better safe than sorry,” she said.

Elias gestured toward the sofa, where she went to sit. Then he looked at Kayla. “Go and wait for the doctor.”

Kayla didn’t argue. She never did, but it was impossible to miss her anger as she left.

When she was gone, I sat next to Amethyst, not pulling her into my lap like I wanted to but squeezing her hand.

“Where were you?” Elias asked.

“With my father at first. He blindfolded me and put on noise-canceling headphones. I’m not sure how long we drove, but when we stopped, I was taken out of a car and put into a room. Maybe it was an office building? But it was definitely an interior room, one that didn’t have any windows and was climate controlled. It wasn’t hot or cold, and I didn’t sense any humidity.”

“How did you get out?” Elias asked.

“Someone came,” she said.

“Who?” we asked at the same time.

“He didn’t give me a name,” she responded, something like a smile playing on her lips.

“What did he look like?” I asked.

“Tall. Probably a couple of inches taller than you. Large. Dark hair, dark eyes. A beard,” she said.

“So…” Elias said.

“So basically any one of a hundred million people on this continent,” Amethyst finished.