

The ride was interminable.

I tried my best to stay calm and tried to do the same with Crystal.

But soon, an hour, maybe a little bit more, after the mysterious stranger had driven out of the parking garage, she started to fuss, became inconsolable.

He glanced over at me but didn’t speak. At least not at first.

Then, finally, after more than five minutes of her cries, he spoke. “What’s wrong with her?”

His voice didn’t give anything away, but that he was asking the question told me he didn’t appreciate the interruption.

I didn’t appreciate anything that had happened so far, but I still needed to keep my temper.

“She’s hungry,” I said.

“Then feed her,” he responded.

I glared at him, and after a moment he gave me an almost smile.

He pulled the car over, the only thing around us isolated countryside.

“I’ll give you a minute,” he said.

He got out of the car then pressed his back against the window.

“It’s okay, sweetie,” I whispered to Crystal as I started to feed her, hoping she would latch.

She’d calmed almost instantly, and I enjoyed the moment of quiet and peace.

But I didn’t allow myself to relax too much. So far, the stranger had been helpful. But I couldn’t count on things to continue.

Once Crystal was full and had drifted off, I tapped on the window.

The man got back into the car without a word and pulled off.

I wished I had a car seat, the entire drive feeling outrageously dangerous with Crystal in my arms. But, on the other hand, I doubted I would be able to let her go, so I just held her tight and tried to keep myself from hoping this would be over soon.

I glanced what I hoped was surreptitiously at the man, and after a while, he finally broke the silence.

“I’m not going to answer any of your questions,” he said.

“Well, I guess that cuts to the chase,” I replied.

“I find that being direct is usually the most effective,” he said.

“So where are we going?” I asked.

He’d said he wouldn’t answer my questions, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to ask them.

Based on my calculations, we had been on the road for another hour, and I was getting far too anxious to keep quiet.

“We aren’t going anywhere,” he said.

I didn’t miss the emphasis on “we” but didn’t follow up.