“I must insist that we leave now,” he said.

His imposing stature contrasted sharply with his bland words and tone, but I somehow knew it was a front.

This man had killer written all over him.

He tilted his head, studying me. “We really don’t have time for conversation. You can stay if you would like, but you and your baby will die.”

There was no threat in the words, no real emphasis. He was simply stating a fact.

I knew that, and though my heart had started to race, I stood and followed behind him, Crystal tight in my arms.

He stepped through the door then moved to the left, and I followed, barely a step between us.

I held Crystal a little tighter and then forced myself to relax my arms.

The man looked down at her then looked ahead.

Pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger so fast that I didn’t even notice the man who had been approaching us.

He let off another shot, the muffled pops barely audible.

I looked around, saw that we were in what appeared to be an office building.

And there were dead people here. Eight so far, from my count.

“We will have to go down the stairs,” he said.

He sounded almost apologetic, which made me smile.

It might have been shock threatening to take over, but he certainly couldn’t think that something like stairs would bother me.

He looked at me, and in his dark eyes I saw warning.

Hold it together.

I nodded my understanding, and after a moment, he continued on.

He entered the stairwell first then quickly descended the stairs.

I followed, trying to move as quickly as he did.

“I should take the baby,” he said.

“No,” I responded.

I had never heard my voice that firm, but there was no way I was letting her go.

He shrugged, let off a shot, and I listened as someone slumped to the ground.

He continued down the stairs, and I followed, stepping over the body that lay there.

And then we were at the bottom.

He pushed the door open, and we entered what appear to be a parking garage.

“There,” he said, nodding at a sedan in the far corner.

I went to it, moving as fast as I dared.