“Always,” Elias said before he got out of the car.

The windows were tinted, but I still looked out.

It didn’t matter because he entered a building and was out of sight in seconds.

I had suggested some type of recording device, but Elias had shrugged me off.

Isaac would be expecting something like that, and besides, it would be futile anyway. Isaac was in the driver’s seat. If he had something planned, Elias, I, and the driver might be able to put up a fight, but Isaac wouldn’t attemptsuch a thing without overwhelming force.

So I found myself sitting powerless, letting the fate of my wife andchild be decided by someone else.

The fifteen minutes that passed were excruciating, but I tried not to appear too eager when Elias got back in the car.

He knocked on the partition that separated the passengers from the driver, and the car took off.

“Well,” I said as we drove away.

“I’m thinking,” Elias said.

“Well, hurry the fuck up and think,” I said.

Elias laughed. “Isaac was there, but so was Aram.”

“Interesting,” I responded.

While Isaac was not the leader of the Sargsyan family, he was essentially its face. He handled all of the deal making and dirty work, and it was rare to see Aram involved, especially in such a hands-on fashion.

“I guess that explains all of this show,” I said.

“It does,” Elias responded.

“So is it a good thing that Aram was there, or not?” I said.

“Well, he insists that neither he, nor anyone in his family, had anything to do with the kidnapping,” Elias said.

“Of course, he does,” I said. “So do you think it’s bullshit?”

“I haven’t decided yet. You know Isaac is a slippery fuck, but Aram is pretty transparent.”

“But?” I said, knowing Elias was thinking something else.

“So Aram might be telling the truth. But he’s been asleep at the wheel for years. He might not know whether his family is involved or not, so his word isn’t the final say,” Elias said.

“No it isn’t, and I wouldn’t put anything past Isaac,” I said.

“I wouldn’t either. But I’m hoping our next meeting gives us some clarity,” Elias said.

I did too, and I hoped it would come soon.

Unlike Isaac, Seamus Roy wasn’t quite so insistent on cloak and dagger.

After a little over an hour’s flight, we found ourselves in Amsterdam.

That pissed me the fuck off, because for some reason I wanted to be close to the safe house.

I knew that Amethyst and Crystal could be anywhere in the world by now, but being at the safe house made me feel like I was connected to them.

While Seamus hadn’t insisted on subterfuge and cloak-and-dagger meetings, he had insisted we come to Amsterdam to help him celebrate the grand opening of his newest club.