

“This is bullshit,”I muttered to Elias a few hours later, almost whispering because if I didn’t, I was sure I would scream.

“So it is, but we’re in no position to negotiate terms,” he said.

He was being the reasonable one, which told me how fucked up the situation was.

Not that I needed a reminder.

But still, the thought of being at someone else’s mercy, that my wife and child were too, was almost unbearable.

There was the insult to consider too.

Elias had known Isaac was the best way to find out who those men were, so he’d made contact. Isaac had offered information, but under strict—and insulting—terms.

Terms we’d had no choice but to accept.

And I was pissed the fuck off about it.

“Isaac is blatantly disrespecting me. And, by extension, you,” I said.

I figured if I played to Elias’s ego, he might relent and refuse the meeting.

One that I wasn’t allowed to attend.

“I don’t think Isaac made that call,” Elias said, sounding so reasonable I wanted to fucking kill someone.

“Why do you say that?” I asked, remembering that I needed to keep it together for Amethyst and Crystal.

We were in a car that was speeding along to the “neutral” location, one that Isaac had handpicked without any input from us.

Isaac and Elias had arranged a meeting, but the terms were strict and clear.

Only Elias could come, and thus far, Isaac hadn’t given us any information about what to expect and what, if anything, he would tell us.

“You know Isaac doesn’t have final say-so within the Sargsyan family,” Elias said.

“Maybe. But there’s an alternate explanation,” I said.

“And what’s that?” Elias asked.

“Isaac is calling the shots and hiding behind someone else’s authority. It gives him another way to fuck us,” I said.

Elias shrugged. “Fine. If you’re that opposed, let’s call off the meeting.”

His tone was normal, his expression so bland that I knew he was trying to prove a point.

After the conversation with Etienne, I knew we had two plausible choices of families who could have aided Raphael James in kidnapping Crystal.

Isaac’s family was one of them, and his close allies the Roys were the other.

So Elias knew that no matter how I was feeling now, how much I was bitching, there was no way I wouldn’t take this meeting.

“Fuck you, Elias,” I said, leaning back against the car seat.

“Have you gotten control of yourself?” he asked.