

“He really did that,huh? Kidnapped his own daughter and grandchild?” she said.

“Yes,” I responded.

I’d told her the whole story, at least the important parts, and she was taking it in.

“I wish I could say I was surprised, but after everything Raphael James has put me through, I’m not,” she said.

I was trying to be patient, needed to know what she knew, to know if she could help.

“Explain what he did,” I said, trying to keep my temper at bay. I knew she had suffered, could see it all over her, but I was impatient, worried, though I tried my best to keep it together.

She looked at me, shook her head.

“I know what you’re going through. What it’s like to be deprived of your child. I’m going to do everything I can to help you get them back,” she said.

Her words seemed sincere, but I didn’t linger over them.

Instead, I looked at her, waiting.

“Raphael believes he’s not Crystal’s father,” she said.

“Is he?” I asked.

“Yes. Perhaps unfortunately, but he is,” she said.

“Tell me more,” I responded.

“I’ll make it short, but I married him, which was a terrible mistake. I didn’t realize he was in it for the money,” she said.

“Can we get to the point?” Elias asked.

“Yeah,” she said on a deep sigh. “He thought he’d be handed everything, but when he figured out my father wasn’t going to give him anything, not without making him jump through a lot of hoops, he got bored, fed up, and anxious.”

“He arranged your accident?” I said.

“There was no accident.” Her voice was icy.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“That whole accident was staged. He kidnapped me, drugged me, stuck me in a mental institution in Mexico, and made it look like I had died,” she said.

Her voice was completely emotionless, but I knew there was more to that story.

I wanted to hear it and could sense she wanted to tell it. But we both understood what was important right now.

“To what end?” I asked.

She smiled, the expression almost taking my breath away because it reminded me of Amethyst so much. “Money, of course.”

“Seems like a lot of work to go through to get money. Why not just kill you?” Elias asked.

“You know, before he left me in that institution, I asked him just that. He told me he wanted me to suffer. That killing me would let me off far too easy.”

“So why hold onto Amethyst?” I asked, though I was glad he had.