

“Amethyst’s mother is dead,”I said to the woman.

“I can assure you, I’m very much not, no thanks to that no-good husband of mine,” the woman said.

I stared at her, the familiarity still there, how much she reminded me of Amethyst still there.

But that couldn’t be.

“Amethyst’s mother died in a car accident more than twenty-five years ago.”

“Well, that’s not possible, because, as you can see, I’m standing right here.”

Elias looked at me but didn’t speak, silently telling me to take the lead.

Something I would do.

“You want proof?” the woman said.

“Yeah,” I responded.

“Here—” She had been reaching in her pocket but stopped short when the guards grabbed her hands.

She raised them in surrender. “It’s not a weapon,” she said.

I nodded at the men, and they stepped back.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a necklace, one that was instantly familiar.

“I got two, one for each of us.”

I walked over and took the necklace from her hand, recognizing it, but still not convinced.

“It’s a necklace. Anybody could have that,” I said.

“True, but this is mine. Amethyst has the matching version. What else can I do?”

“A necklace is nice, but I’m going to need more than that,” I said. “Wait here.”

I nodded at Elias and went back into his office, him behind me.

“You buy it?” he asked.

“I do,” I said.

I wasn’t sure why, but I believed the woman, even though it went against everything I knew.

“You’re not thinking clearly,” Elias said.

“I know, which is why I’m going to get proof.”

I typed into the laptop and then picked it up.

I went back to the woman. “Put your thumb on the trackpad,” I said.

She lifted her hand slowly, then brushed her thumb across the laptop’s trackpad.