He was dressed impeccably as usual, and there was no hint on his face that he had kidnapped his own granddaughter.

The hatred that had been growing hit me hard, but I couldn’t bring myself to regret ever meeting him.

Because of him, I had Amethyst and Crystal.

And soon, I would have the satisfaction of knowing he no longer walked the earth.

I looked at Amethyst, silent communication passing between us.

She was ready.

After one last look, we walked toward Raphael.

“Amethyst, you still look tired,” he said.

“Not much time for sleeping, you know, with the new baby and all that,” she said, sounding contrite like she almost always did when she spoke to him.

A ruse, I knew, an attempt to placate him until we had Crystal back.

But I still fucking hated it.

He shook his head, disappointment clear in his expression and body language. “Always with the excuses, aren’t you, Amy?”

I cut in before she answered, not willing to stand for his digs at her. He had the upper hand, and he knew it, but there was only so much of his bullshit I was going to take.

Insulting Amethyst while holding our daughter captive was a bridge too far.

“Raphael, this isn’t a social call.”

“And you, always about business, Davit,” Raphael said.

“I thought that was something you admired.”

He heard something in my voice that scared him.

I saw that, and though he covered it quickly, it was there. Raphael smiled. “It is. So let’s get to it.”

I nodded, and he walked a couple of steps forward and faced me.

He nodded in turn. “I have your little girl,” he said.

“We know that. Let us see her,” I responded, part of me disbelieving I could be so calm, the rest of me knowing I had no choice.

“You think I brought her here? What, so you, your brother and God knows how many thugs can kill me and take her?” he scoffed.

“No. I don’t think you are that stupid. But you have pictures,” I responded.

This was actually fucking happening, as close to an out-of-body experience as I ever hoped to have.

Talking calmly about my daughter like her being kidnapped was nothing.

“That I do,” Raphael said with a smile that looked almost like approval.

I didn’t react, even though the desire to rip his tongue out of his mouth was strong.

And he knew it too, which was why he was so nonchalant.

He knew I would do nothing, nothing at all, until I had Crystal. So he had the upper hand.