Erik looked surprised. “You believe me? You’re willing to overlook my failure?”

“I didn’t say that,” Davit said.

Then he turned and left, and I followed, Elias behind me.

They went to the doctor. “When should Paulette regain consciousness?” Elias asked.

“It’s hard to say. But I will contact you the moment she does.”

“Make sure you do, Doctor,” Elias said.

We got back into the SUV, and the silence in the car was thick, oppressive.

We were no closer to finding Crystal, and I could again feel the panic threaten to overwhelm me.

I foughtto push it down and instead looked between the brothers.

“So, what’s the takeaway from that?”

Neither of them needed a reminder that I was out of my depth. I didn’t need it either. And for a moment they looked at each other, clearly trying to decide what to tell me.

“You don’t keep secrets from me. Not about this,” I said.

Davit’s expression softened ever so slightly, and then he looked at Elias. Then he looked back to me, his resolve clear. “Erik’s story makes sense,” he said.

“What? That they set him up to look like a fall guy?”


“Are we sure he wasn’t involved?” I whispered.

I didn’t want to think it, didn’t want to say, but nothing was off-limits, and I wouldn’t let anything, not even my soft heart, interfere with my baby’s safety.

“What do you think?” Elias asked.

“Me?” I responded.

He nodded.

I sat back, then leaned forward again. “Well, he could be in on it. He could have seen a way to cash out, get a nice payday, and live the rest of his days in comfort,” I said.

“But surely he would know that would forfeit his life,” Elias interjected.

“Yes, but he’s been at this job, this life really, I guess, for a while. Why not try to grab the brass ring or as close to it as he’d ever get?” I said.

“You say that, but you don’t sound convinced,” Elias said.

“I’m not,” I responded.

“Why?” Davit said.

“I wouldn’t say that I have great insight into people, but Erik is dedicated to the Petrosyan family. And besides, I’ve gotten to know him a little bit. He strikes me as a pretty straightforward guy. And I don’t get the sense that he is hurting for money or desperate,” I said.

“We compensate our people fairly,” Elias said.

“I’m sure you do. And it’s not like he has extravagant tastes or some kind of secret lifestyle to support. Does he?” I asked.

“No,” Davit said. “I’d know about it if he did.”