When he was gone, I grabbed Amethyst’s hand and started to move.
She started to pull away from me, and on instinct, my hand tightened, before I loosened my grip, worried about hurting her.
“You’re going to take me with you,” she whispered.
It wasn’t a question, but I answered anyway. “Yes.”
“I need to get…”
“There’s nothing here that you need,” I said, my voice a low, stern.
“Please,” she said, her eyes pleading in a way I had never seen.
I relented.
My emotions were such a mess that I didn’t know what else to do.
She unlocked the hotel room door, and I didn’t go in after her, knowing that my men had every side of the building covered.
She came back in less than thirty seconds.
“What did you get?” I asked, curious about what was so important.
“My mother’s picture,” she said.
But that wasn’t all she held in her hand.
I plucked the piece of paper, the black, white, and blue shades of the ultrasound instantly familiar.
I didn’t let my gaze linger, though I wanted to, more than anything.
Instead, I again grabbed her hand and started to walk.
“You aren’t going to fight me?” I asked as we left the building.
“Would it do any good?” came her reply.
“No,” I answered.
I held tight to her as we walked down the stairs and crossed the street.
I pushed her into the SUV and then got in beside her.
The car was moving before the door was completely closed.
* * *
“Nice plane,”she muttered.
They were the first words she had said to me in hours.
“It’s my brother’s,” I responded.
She sighed, looking miserable.