And he hadn’t.
Because of Davit.
What would happen to the man now?
I didn’t know, and I didn’t care.
Because Davit would take care of it.
I still remembered his calm and the way he seemed entirely unaffected by what had been happening as he’d choked the man unconscious.
I waited for the disgust, the shock, but it never came.
All I felt was gratitude.
Because if Davit hadn’t been there, if he had hesitated to step in, I knew how the night would have ended.
As I lay there, I thought about where I was.
I couldn’t count on my father. He didn’t believe me, and deep down, I knew he never would.
Somebody had tried to kill me.
I’d thought I was the only person I could count on, but I knew that wasn’t the full story.
I couldn’t count on myself, wasn’t equipped to handle the situation I now found myself in.
The truth was something I couldn’t deny.
The only person I could trust—the one I prayed I could rely on—was Davit.