

“Amy, I need you to reserve the conference room for next Tuesday. And order some lunch. I’m getting hungry,” Keenan said over the intercom.

I hope you fucking choke on it.

I cleared my throat and didn’t say what I was thinking. “I’ll take care of all of that, Keenan. Anything else?”

“That’s it for now,” he said.

That was the right answer.

Because if he had asked me for anything, anything at all, I would have gone into his office and choked the fucking life out of him.

I reserved the conference room, ordered his lunch, and when I finished, I turned to find Davit standing in the doorway.

Which wasn’t unusual, not after the last few weeks.

My “brief” assignment had turned into three weeks so far, with no end in sight. In addition to keeping up the files, I was also Keenan’s assistant-personal secretary-wardrobe consultant-girl Friday.

And I was about ready to cut every-fucking-body.

During this time, Davit had made it a point to pop in on me often.

Probably just checking on me, though it took the guise of commiseration.

And as shameful as it was to admit…I appreciated it.

“Let’s go,” he said.

“Go where,” I grumbled.

“Lunch,” he said, looking at his watch. “It’s after one. So Marco’s should be empty enough.”

“I have—”

“That wasn’t a question, Amethyst,” he said.

And like Pavlov’s dog, I squeezed my legs together, my reaction to his using my name, and his voice, his real voice, making my breath come short and my pussy clench with need.

“Well, if you’re insisting…” I trailed off.

“I am,” he said.

I grabbed my purse, knowing that I was acquiescing but too frazzled and annoyed to not take the out he was offering me.

“We’ll take my car,” he said.

I followed behind him and noticed that there was a light drizzle outside.

I realized I had never been in his car, and when I got inside, I looked around quickly, trying to find any clue that might be a crack in the Josh Kelley facade.

But the only thing unusual about the vehicle was how clean it was, and he even covered that with an empty soda can in the cup holder.

As he drove away, he glanced at me.