“Always a trooper,” Keenan said.

I wanted to punch his fucking teeth out, but instead I just smiled.

“If you could share your calendar with me, I’ll make sure I stay on top of things,” I said.

“You think he knows how to share a calendar?” my father said.

“Umm…yes,” I said, my tone taking on an edge I’d never used with my father.

He rolled his eyes, his disgust palpable. “Keenan’s time is very valuable. I won’t have him wasting it on frivolous, silly things that a less-skilled person can handle.”

“Less skilled?” I asked.

Keenan interjected. “I think what Raphael means is someone who’s more involved in bigger projects.”

That didn’t help, but I looked at him, forcing myself to smile.

“Of course.”

I didn’t point out the fact that I had helped him get through college.

That I had practically carried him across the finish line.

Me, less skilled?

Still, I swallowed down my annoyance and nodded.

“I’ll take care of it,” I said.

“Good,” Keenan said, standing to his full height, the early morning light giving his brown skin a wonderful glow.

Seeing him like this again reminded me of why I’d fallen so hard for him. Didn’t explain why I’d been so fucking stupid, but some questions didn’t have answers.

But at the very least, I now knew why he’d dropped by for that visit.

“It’ll be great working together again, Amy,” Keenan said.

“Yeah,” I responded, trying to sound excited, though I suspected I wasn’t convincing.

“Raphael, golf on Sunday?”

“You know I wouldn’t miss it,” my father said.

“Amy, you should join us,” Keenan said.

“I’m sure Amy will be busy. She’ll be helping you, but will still have to handle her regular duties,” my father said.

“Oh, of course. Well, anyway, I’m off. Drop by soon as you can, Amy. I have a couple of letters I need you to transcribe for me.”

“I’ll do that,” I said.

I wanted to gouge his eyes out or lie down on the floor and sleep for a million years.

But like always, I swallowed that feeling down and gave him a smile.

I looked at him until he exited, then shifted to look at my father.

“Why are you lingering?”