
“Your name’s not…Josh,”I said around a giant gulp, sounding for all the world like an idiot.

“Not Josh.”

His words were ice cold.


I listened and noticed that his voice was different. Deeper. More threatening. A hint of an accent that I hadn’t noticed there before.

Still, I wasn’t ready to believe.

“Josh, what’s going on?” I asked, hoping he would say something, do something, to make this moment anything other than what it was.

“Amethyst, you’re not good at playing the idiot,” was his totally unhelpful answer.

“I…I don’t know what you mean,” I said.

My heart was pounding, and something told me Josh—whatever his name was, I silently corrected—didn’t have good things in store for me.

That he was telling me his name wasn’t Josh, which was something I had already discovered, couldn’t be good.

“You know what I mean,” he said.

He took a step forward, and I took a step back.

Then another and another, him matching me the entire way until we were in my living room.

He looked at my laptop, which I had set on the floor, then back at me.

“What have you been up to tonight?” he asked.

I narrowed my eyes, deciding on a different tactic, since ignorance didn’t seem to be working.

“Well, it seems like you think you have an answer. Why don’t you tell me what I’ve been up to?”

He laughed, the sound deep, rich, sending a delicious thrill through my body, one that I tried to pretend I didn’t feel.

“Playing angry and defensive won’t work either,” he said.


“What have you been doing, Amethyst?”

“Look! I don’t know what you want me to say here,” I said.

“The truth,” he responded.

He was far too amused for my liking, and it suddenly hit me hard that I should be worried.

Very worried.

Something must have given away my train of thought, because he nodded his approval.

“You’re starting to understand,” he said, his tone equal parts annoying and terrifying.