Felt another charge at that.


Her voice came out of the speaker low, tinny. And even through the speaker, I could hear her wariness.

That charge I was feeling kicked up a notch.

The tone of her voice confirmed what I had been almost completely sure of.

She had seen me on the docks.

“Yes. It’s me,” I said.

I waited a moment, another, long enough that I wondered if she would open the door.

Finally, she did.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

I noticed that she practically hugged the front door. And even more, she hadn’t asked me in. She just pushed her glasses up her nose and stood still.

“I need to ask you about something,” I said.

“It couldn’t wait?” she asked, her eyes wide with questions and something I knew was suspicion.

A totally reasonable question for her to ask, or at least it would have been in other circumstances.

But these weren’t other circumstances.

“No, it can’t,” I said.

She waited another beat and then pulled the door open.

Part of me wished that she hadn’t, wished that she had trusted her instincts, which I knew were telling her that she shouldn’t let me in.

But it was better for me that she let me in so that we could get this out of the way.

I brushed past her as I walked in and noticed that she seemed to shrink away from my touch.

That stung, just a little, though I told myself it was to be expected.

I watched as she closed the door, noticed that she didn’t lock it.

But when she stepped away, I did.

She looked at me quizzically but didn’t comment on what I had done.

I didn’t speak, not immediately, but instead looked around quickly, then settled my gaze on her.

She was wearing running shoes, sweatpants, and one of those yoga jackets.

She looked delectable.

And afraid.

“What’s the matter? What couldn’t wait until tomorrow, Josh?”

Her eyes were on mine, but she wasn’t looking at me, not really. Even the low light cast a glare on her glasses, and I could still see that she was trying her hardest to avoid my gaze.

I didn’t say anything, just waited, let the moment build until she finally met my eyes.

Only then did I speak.

“Amethyst, you know my name not’s Josh.”