I wasn’t surprised.

“Like I told you, I’ll handle it,” I said.

“Make sure that you do,” he said.

He turned and left without saying anything else, and I watched as he got into a black SUV and drove off.

I wasn’t as quick to make my way to my own vehicle.

I’d been expecting this day, had actually thought it would come sooner. But I hadn’t been looking forward to it.

Integrating myself into James Industries had taken a lot of work, and I’d been sure to cover all of my bases. Despite all my work, I’d known my cover wouldn’t last forever.

But I hadn’t expected Amethyst James to be the one to blow it.

I lingered for a moment, staring at the water, finding it surprisingly peaceful. But I didn’t stay long. I soon turned and made my way back to the SUV.

Avoiding the inevitable wouldn’t make it any less inevitable.

As I drove, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of regret.

Josh Kelley, his life, was just a front.

But there were good parts about it.

Mostly her, if I was being honest.

Amethyst James.

I always called her that in my head. Didn’t think that Amy fit her.

Whatever I chose to call her, she was Josh Kelley’s friend, but what was she to me, the real me?

Nothing, not really.

She didn’t know who I was.

But I knew her.

Knew everything about her.

Knew that she was smart and was way too fucking competent for the job she had.


Giving—much too giving as far as I was concerned.

Knew that she held my attention more than any woman I had ever met.

And that was something I didn’t understand.

At first glance, everything about her screamed average. She was five six, maybe five seven, overweight, though she carried it well. An average-looking face that was pleasant enough, though not particularly memorable. Brown eyes that were always covered with glasses. She changed them frequently, and I’d seen her in basically every shape and color glasses one could imagine. In fact, her glasses were the only bit of flair in her appearance.

Nothing about her should have caught my eye.

But she had.

I suspected it could be the intelligence that she tried to hide.