

What was he doing here?

I almost called out, but something stopped me.

Acting on instinct, I ducked behind one of the large cargo containers and watched.

Josh was the tech guy. Why would he be at the docks?

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of him being here.

Maybe there had been some kind of accident or error. I knew computers were an integral part of tracking shipments and that software powered the equipment used to unload the ships.

Perhaps there was something he needed to investigate?

Even as I thought it, I knew it didn’t add up.

There was no reason for Josh to be here.

Just like there’s no reason for you to be here.

I silenced that thought and focused on Josh.

He was dressed like he had been when he brought me the sandwiches, wearing black sweat pants and a long-sleeved black T-shirt.

Like always, I felt that natural, and at this point expected, pull of attraction.

Even in the confusion about what he was doing here, that feeling was there, and I suspected it always would be.

Still, I watched, uncertain, wondering what would happen next.

I tried to shrink down to make myself smaller when someone approached.

It was a man.

He was a couple of inches taller than Josh, and bulkier. He had dark hair like Josh, but I couldn’t see his eyes or really make out his features.

One detail I couldn’t miss was that he was dressed in a suit.

Odd for the docks.

They started talking, and I leaned forward, trying to listen. Their voices were low but loud enough that I could hear their words. But I couldn’t understand what either of them was saying.

They were speaking a language I didn’t recognize.

It wasn’t Russian. Maybe German. I didn’t know what it was.

But I listened intently, as if my focus would help me decipher the words.

It didn’t, and when the man with Josh turned to look in my direction, I froze, feeling like I had been exposed.

Then he looked away and continued speaking to Josh, but everything inside of me demanded that I leave.

I tried to move as quietly as I could, backing away so that I could still see them.