Kept telling myself, even as I found myself headed toward her house.

I hadn’t been able to stop coming here.

Had lied to myself and said that I was doing so to keep up pretenses.

I had her car parked in front of her house and had moved it occasionally so that, at least for a little while, her neighbors wouldn’t realize she was gone.

Eventually, I’d have my place put up for sale and spout the same bullshit about going off to start a new life that I had used on Carol.

All of these were things my men could handle with ease, yet I still felt compelled to come back here every single day.

I didn’t allow myself to think about why, just as I didn’t try to pretend that I wouldn’t come.

What little sleep I got was contingent on seeing this place, remembering her.

I was just torturing myself and would have to stop eventually, but not yet.

I parked, and as had become my custom, I grabbed her mail, then went inside.

Made it a point to turn on the lights, move around, give the place a feeling of life.

I did that tonight, flipping on lights as I flipped through her mail.

Stopped dead in my tracks when I came across one envelope.

“City Women’s Health,” I read, as I turned over the envelope and ripped it open.

Some part of me realized Amethyst wouldn’t appreciate me going through her mail, but that was barely a thought as I read the letter.

Then read it again.

Test results that were HCG positive, along with a helpful letter.

Ms. James,

As per our conversation, the enclosed test results confirm that you are pregnant.


I read the letter again.

The words didn’t change.

I’d just had a conversation with Elias, had just told myself I would let this go.

But no more.

Elias had reminded me of the things that were important.


But even more, family.

I read the letter again, then neatly folded it and returned it to its envelope, my resolve growing stronger with each second that passed.

A truth that I’d tried to ignore was becoming completely clear and impossible to deny.

Amethyst was mine.

All I had to do was find her.