“I hope she lands on her feet,” Carol said, something back in her stare.

“Amy can take care of herself,” I said.

Carol looked at me quickly, her eyes sharp, before she pulled herself back under control.

“I know,” she said a moment later, the certainty in her voice undeniable.

“I guess I’d better answer these phones. Thanks for chatting with me, Josh,” Carol said.

“Anytime,” I responded.

She waved then answered the phone, “James Industries. How may I direct your call?”

I walked away, nodding at people I saw, my mind a million miles away.

I wasn’t sure how I was getting through the days, and, were it not certain to raise suspicion, I would have stopped coming to the office altogether, or at least called in sick.

But now wasn’t the time for that. Too much had changed and far too quickly, so I would suck it up and get through this.

Somehow, the day finally, mercifully ended.

As had become my custom, I left James Industries and went directly to the safe house I had commandeered to continue my pursuit.

To my surprise, Elias was there.

“You don’t look happy to see me,” he said nonchalantly.

“Because I’m not,” I muttered.

“Let me guess what’s on your agenda for tonight,” he said.

“Guess all you want. I have things to do,” I said.

I sat at the computer and cycled through the searches I had set up. There had been no activity on Amethyst’s credit cards, and with each day that went by, I was more and more convinced there wouldn’t be any.

But I had put other things in place, and one of them would pay off.

Elias stayed for about half an hour but eventually stood, making a big show of it.

“What?” I said, finally turning to face him.

“Are you ready to face facts now, Davit?”

“What are you talking about, Elias?”

“There’s nothing. No trail. If someone was involved, we would have found out about it by now.”

“What about Raphael James?” I asked.

Elias had shaken the underworld trees, and nothing about Amethyst had fallen out. But he had discovered some interesting things about Raphael.

“What about him?”

“You don’t think the shit that is going on with him is curious at all?”

“What? That he’s up to his eyeballs in debt? That he’s not the business titan and statesman that he portrays himself to be? No, I don’t think there’s anything odd about that at all.”

“But what about Amethyst’s trust fund?”