I drove to my house, knowing he would look for me there as soon as he realized I was gone.

Still, I needed to be there, if only for a little while.

Five minutes.

That was all the time I gave myself.

I moved through the house like a tornado, making a mental list of all that I needed.

As I rummaged through my closet, I found a box in the back.

I pulled it open and found the only other picture of my mother that I had, a copy of the photo from my locket that I’d had blown up.

I left everything else but stuck that picture in the pocket of my duffel bag.

Froze when I saw something that shouldn’t have been there.

It was a bag, one of those rolling suitcase ones, stuck high on the shelf in the back of my closet.

And it didn’t belong to me.

I stared at it like it would turn into something else, my heart racing even faster now, nausea and confusion threatening to overwhelm me.

I couldn’t let it.

Instead, I sprang into action, remembering the urgency of my situation.

I pulled the bag down, my arms almost buckling with the weight of it.

It landed with a heavy thud on the floor, and as I stared at it, I knew that I didn’t recognize it.

Maybe Davit had left it?

I didn’t know when he could have done it, didn’t even know if he had been back here.

But something compelled me to look inside, so I opened the bag slowly.

Stopped cold when I saw what was in it.


Lots of it.

But that wasn’t what had my attention.

I stared at the piece of paper on top, then reached out slowly, almost afraid to touch it, but knowing I had to.

I gripped the paper in my fingers so tightly that I worried I might crumble it.

I stared at it, the tears that had started to gather in my eyes drying.

I’ve been nervous—more than that, on the verge of tears—since I’d overheard that conversation, one that I knew I had no business hearing.

But as I read, those tears dried.

Run, Amethyst.

Two words, written in script that was neat, feminine.