“Is it?” I asked.

She stared at me for long seconds, and I watched as her expression shifted, could see her deliberation.

Saw when she decided.

She stared at me, her eyes intense, brimming with emotion more intense than I’d ever seen from her, even when I’d pulled that gun. I braced myself, waited for the onslaught, prepared for angry words.

None came, and I felt the worse for it.

I could have handled anger, would have welcomed it even, but that silence, the way she closed herself off, left me unsure. And that was a feeling I hated.

“Let’s go,” she said, turning away from me abruptly and opening the door.

I got out and met her at the passenger-side door. She refused to meet my eyes and tried to push past me. I didn’t move, not the first time, the second, or the third. She let out a frustrated sigh and then finally lifted her gaze to mine.

All I saw in her gaze was anger, near hatred. It was enough to still my tongue.

After another moment, I stepped aside, and she started to walk.

Stopped after two steps.

“What is this place?” she asked, her face turned down as she looked at a piece of metal that stuck out of the dry ground. She lifted her head and looked around more, her gaze lingering on discarded metal rods, bolts, wire, and other refuse that littered the grounds.

I nodded toward the dilapidated-looking building. “Come on. You’re safe. I promise.”

“Like your promises are worth a damn,” she muttered and started walking.

I ignored the anger that had started to churn in my gut and took off after her. I soon passed her, and she continued behind me without protest, which I decided to take as a good sign.

The huge metal door creaked open when we were about three feet away. One of my men stood in the doorway, and I nodded at him as I walked in with Amethyst trailing behind me.

A panicked cry met me before I had taken two steps. “Josh! What the hell is this?”

“Keenan!” Amethyst looked at me and then ran over to him but stopped short before she reached him.

“Amy? Are you okay? What are you doing here?”

She knitted her brows together, her expression simultaneously confused and harsh. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

She stared at him, and again I could see her wheels turning. He looked disheveled, but not too much the worse for wear, which I was pleased about.

His suffering would come at my hands.

“Two guys grabbed me, pushed me into a car, and drove me here, I guess,” he said, looking confused. His expression cleared when he looked at me, but he tried to keep up the charade.

“Josh, what’s going on?”

I let out a humorless laugh, and then shook my head. “You still want to play this game, Keenan?”

“What game? What’s going on here?”

I could see the panic building behind his eyes, and it only confirmed what I already knew to be true.

“What is the meaning of this, Davit?” Amethyst’s voice was low, but she looked at me like she fully expected an answer.

“Who is Davit?” Keenan yelled.

She shifted her gaze to him, her annoyance clear. “Keenan, read the room. Does this seem like a time to interrupt me?”