I had no idea, but I couldn’t imagine sleeping at my house, at least not tonight.
We got to Davit’s, and he met us outside. I was so relieved to see him, my eyes started to tear, but I fought to get myself under control and followed him inside.
“I got dinner,” he said.
“Thanks,” I responded.
I washed my hands, sat at the table, and we ate in silence.
When we were done, he stared at me, stared at me so long that I had no choice but to ask.
“What is it?” I said.
“Why didn’t you want to go to Josh’s place?”
I answered immediately. “Because I thought Josh was my friend. But he’s not real. And I can’t let myself forget that.”
He nodded, seeming to accept my answer.
“Let’s go watch TV,” he said a moment later.
I put up no protest and sat next to him on his very fancy couch, letting the TV shows pass me by.
“Time for bed,” he said a couple of hours later.
I again gave no protest when he pulled me from the couch, his fingers interlaced with mine.
The moment had felt calm, at least on the surface, but in an instant, it because tense. He looked huge as he stood there, his breath coming out rough. The stubble on his face looked impossibly dark, even against his tanned skin.
But his eyes caught me, held me. They were so dark, so intense, that I couldn’t even exhale. He looked every bit the focused predator that my gut had told me he was.
And he looked like something more. Something I wouldn’t dare try to give a name to.
Couldn’t give a name to when he literally swept me off my feet. I was stunned by the display of strength. I didn’t break his gaze, couldn’t break it, as he carried me, his steps strong and sure, and laid me on his bed. He stripped us both in the blink of an eye and pushed his thick cock inside me even quicker.
I let out the breath I had been holding, feeling so many emotions I couldn’t name.
One that I could.
I felt safe, felt protected in a way I never had, in a way that I couldn’t deny, not with him.
Wanted to fight that feeling, but it was a losing battle. Between the intensity in his eyes and the way he was commanding my body, I was powerless against my emotions and my passion.
So I gave in to it and reached the peak that he was relentlessly driving me to. Reached it again and held him tight as he shuddered his own climax.
Later, as I drifted off, I heard his voice, his breath warm against my ear.
“Josh is not real, but I am, Amethyst,” he whispered.