
“Maybe I’ll actually beable to go home sometime today,” I muttered.

After Carol’s visit, Keenan had given me half a dozen more bullshit tasks that he could easily have taken care of himself. Plus, I still needed to finish my own work for the day. But I was close. Just one more thing for Keenan and filing a set of invoices, and I’d be done.

“Amy,” my father said as he entered my office.

“Yes, sir,” I responded, my voice wavering.

I swallowed and sat up straight, trying to keep my emotions at bay.

One look at him, and the humiliation hit me all over again.

“I’m glad to see you’re working hard,” he said, settling in the seat Carol had so recently vacated.

But his presence wasn’t a comfort, and it occurred to me that it never had been.

No, that was just the embarrassment talking. He was my father.

Deep down, though, I wished that meant something more than it did.

“Is there something you need assistance with, sir?” I asked.

“No. I just came to check on you,” he said.

“I’m fine, I can assure you.” I gave him my best smile, hoping to prove the point.

“That’s good to hear. So, you’ve gotten your ridiculous flights of fancy under—”

I shook my head, cutting him off. He hated that, but I couldn’t bear to hear whatever it was he was going to say.

“You have nothing to worry about, sir,” I said.

He stared at me hard, his eyes boring into mine.

Then, finally, he looked away, seemingly satisfied.

“That’s good to hear, Amy,” he said.

He stood up and left without looking back, and when he was gone, I sank back into my chair, waves of emotion hitting me.

Anger at myself and even more disgust.

Anger at him, something that I diligently tried to keep myself from feeling.

I felt it now, and even more, felt sadness that I couldn’t trust him with what had happened.

Having to explain that Golden Boy Josh Kelley had saved me and gotten rid of all of traces of the intruder was one thing. But ultimately, it didn’t matter. He wouldn’t believe that someone had tried to kill me anyway.

No, I’d have to carry that myself. Just like I had always carried everything else.

I sighed, looked at the invoices on my desk, and decided they could wait.

I gathered my things and left as quickly as I could manage. As I walked to my car, my eyes were searching everywhere.

Davit had said he had men on me, but I had seen no indication of them.