I must not have, for he studied my eyes for another long moment, then abruptly pulled away.

In less than a half an hour, we were on the road.

* * *


“We needto keep everything as normal as possible,” I said as we drove toward her house.

“I know,” she responded.

“Good. That means no deviations from your routine.”

“You dropping me off at my house is definitely a deviation,” she pointed out.

“No, it’s not, because I’m dropping you off at the yoga studio. You will then walk home so no one will spot my vehicle.”

“Will your guards be able to see me?” She sounded nonchalant, borderline annoyed, but I could sense the underlying fear and knew that as much as she might have pushed back against the guards, the idea of being alone wasn’t appealing either.

“They will,” I answered. “So, as far as anyone else is concerned, you went out for a brisk morning walk. When you get home, you’re going to make coffee and take it out to your yard and drink it while you put together your grocery order. Then you’re going to put out your recycling and go shower and get dressed,” I said.

“Sounds like you have my schedule down,” she said.

I looked at her before quickly glancing back at the road.

“Down to a T.”

She wrinkled her nose in a way that told me she thought I sounded arrogant and cocky.

Not that I gave a shit.

Someone was after Amethyst, and I would protect her from every threat.

Whether she liked it or not.