“Of course.” He gave a nonchalant shrug like the question was stupid, which I was sure he thought it was.

“You don’t trust me to handle anything, do you?”

The question was genuine, and I suspected his answer was too.

“I trust you more than anyone else in the world. But that doesn’t mean that you’re untouchable. That I won’t make sure the business is taken care of, and personally. If necessary.”

“So, you’re just trying to prove that I’m in line or show me that you’re in charge? Because I don’t give a fuck, Elias. You’re in charge, okay?”

“I know I’m in charge, and I know you know it. But I want to make sure that you’ve got your head on straight,” he said.

“Do you have reason to think I don’t?”

“Yes. The fact that Amy—pardon me—Amethyst James is still alive.”

“I told you I was handling it,” I said, my anger at his words shocking me with its vehemence.

“And how does this family handle things?” he asked.

I glared at him. “We’ve been through this, Elias. I’m on top of it. Now fuck off out of my place.”

Elias stood and laughed.

He walked over to me, staring at me with eyes very much like my own.

“Davit, I trust you. But know that family comes first. It’s the most important thing. So whatever you feel for her—”

“I don’t feel anything for her.”

“Whatever. Just remember what’s important,” he said.

“I won’t ever forget,” I responded.

He looked at me for another moment then nodded and left.

I was wound up after the visit, but for entirely the wrong reason.

Elias wasn’t expressive and certainly didn’t go out of his way to reassure people, not even me.

But that wasn’t what was bothering me.

What was bothering me was that I was acting so out of character.

Because he was right.

Eliminating her was the easiest and safest thing.

I knew that her death would bring more attention than I wanted, so that was reason enough not to hurt her. If only that was what it was.

It wasn’t.

No. My reluctance was simple.

I didn’t want to see Amethyst die, and certainly not at my hand.

But that didn’t mean I could be foolish or reckless.

I had resisted the impulse to go to her, but now I didn’t have a choice.