He laughed. “Duly noted. I’ll let the sex education come from anyone but a former Navy SEAL.”

Emma was watching the two of them carefully.

“Are you guys talking about sex?”

The two adults looked at each other.

“See what I mean?” Maggie quipped.

“Like I said, duly noted, ma’am.”

She leaned over the table and gave him a kiss.

“Well, Emma, you should know that I’m not going to be gone that long.”

“I know. You said that already,” Emma answered, chocolate covering her upper lip halfway to her nose.

“These papaya plants grow pretty fast. These were the seeds Emma harvested and dried. But we’ll be waiting a few months longer before we’ll get fruit,” Brady added. “But we’ll mark the time by watching these little trees develop. I’m hoping there’ll be about a foot tall by the time you get back.”

Maggie reached Brady’s hand and clasped it, giving him a strong confidence smile. “Thank you.”

“Anything for my women. You know me, I’ll just keep the home fires burning.”