For his part, Colonel Gonzalez got what he wanted too. In front of an adoring crowd of new fans from his own country, the two of them talked about women, their ex-wives, dogs, which was something the president was especially interested in, and the exploits of his military career. Both men had grandchildren. Both men had been married and divorced twice. They actually had quite a bit in common. The president indicated that it was going to be his pleasure to host the colonel and his wife at the White House, where he offered the pair could sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom.

It was a thing of beauty, artfully orchestrated for maximum effect.

The Americans were released along with their passports, their cell phones, and their wallets. A few went missing, but most of the people were so grateful to leave it was not something that was a problem.

Father Salvador was brought in to Maggie in handcuffs. Colonel Gonzalez himself made a great show of removing the cuffs. Father Salvador was introduced to Brady and gave Maggie a tight hug.

“Father, it was a terrible mistake, and I’m most anxious to continue with my marital counseling, so I can be married soon.”

Father Salvador looked puzzled for a second. Brady raised his eyebrows and fidgeted slightly, and then the priest understood what was going on.

“It has been quite an ordeal for me, my dear. I look forward to resuming our meetings. Right now, I just want to get home, take a shower, and get some rest. But we can resume this as soon as you would like.”

“Father Salvador, this is Colonel Gonzalez, and he is responsible for correcting this wrong that was done to you. I would like you to understand he has really gone out of his way to make sure you are safely delivered home,” she added, smiling at the colonel.

“And, Maggie, are you going to stay here?”

“I have decided to go back to California, Father,” Maggie said. “It’s just a little too warm for me, and I want to process all of this. Besides, Brady has a job for me. But I’m sure we’re going to be in touch very soon.”

If Father Salvatore was disappointed, he hid it well.

The Americans were loaded into the vans, and as the colonel stood up to the podium in front of the terminal, speaking into all the cameras and taking credit for the release of all the travelers, not just the American ones. This generated a loud cheer from inside the building, which was also captured on film.

As they zoomed past the spectacle, the team waved and bid a fond farewell. The drivers delivered them to the airstrip where Carter and Enemario joined them before boarding a larger jet with more space for the additional travelers. The equipment and luggage were stowed, and the group settled into the leather luxury seats for the flight to San Diego. Brady explained to them that connecting flights would be provided once they arrived on the base at Coronado.

The plane was packed and lively, and Brady’s team enjoyed speaking to the citizens they’d just helped to rescue.

But Brady sat with Maggie in the very back of the plane, where they could have some privacy. With his arm around her, he gave her a long kiss and had a few words he’d been rehearsing.

“I’m going to say this one more time, Maggie. You are the most stubborn, the most incredible, the most beautiful, and the most opinionated woman I have ever met. I think that’s why I’m so much in love with you.”

“But?” she asked, indicating she knew there was more.

“If you ever ask me again to go to Mexico—and I don’t care whether it’s to go to the beach, to go see a play, to go visit a cultural site, or to be on an organized tour on a cruise ship—the answer on my part is going to be no. And if you ever try going without my permission, I promise you I will go down there, find you, and drag your ass home. I don’t want to do this again. We had two chances, and either one could have wound up a disaster. Maggie May, you’re my wife, you’re the mother of our child, and I don’t want you to do anything but hang around the house. You can do it in your nightgown. I don’t even care if you don’t shower for a month, but I am not going to let you out of my sight until I’m convinced you understand this has to be. I just cannot emotionally tolerate this. Not one more, Maggie.”

Maggie was searching her hands and knew he was right, of course, but the stubborn streak in her was rising to the surface.

“What if—”

He immediately cut her off without listening to a word.

“The answer is no. Anytime you ask me, however you ask me, whenever you ask me, whether it’s next week or in fifty years, the answer is no.”

“Okay. What do I get in return?”

Brady leaned back into the cushioned seat and stared at the overhead light. He thought of all the things he could say, but he was actually at a loss for words. Then he remembered something he’d wanted to tell her the morning she left.

“I promise to love, cherish, and obey you for the rest of my life. I promise to make sure that you never have to question how much I love you or what I would do to help keep you safe. I’m never letting you go. And in fact, I may not ever let you go to the store by yourself. I mean, I’m serious, Maggie.”

“I’m serious, too, Brady.”

He waited for something he didn’t want to ask for. Finally, he got it.

“I’m sorry. I was thinking more about myself than I was thinking about the impact it was having on you and on Emma. On everybody. I mean, look at all of this that happened.”

“Yes. And there is a silver lining to it. I mean, all these guys are safe because we went down there to get you, so life doesn’t really give you mistakes. It gives you lessons. But I really hope you’ve learned your lesson this time. It’s not about trying to control you or not letting you have free will. I want you to have all the free will you can stand. I just don’t want you to ever ask me to go to Mexico again. Never.”

“I promise, sweetheart. Now can we talk about something else?”

Brady leaned into her, swiping his lips across hers, and whispered, “Already forgotten. I can’t wait to get you home. And Emma wants to show you something special.”