“It was no piece of cake in Mexico, and that was just—what?—six weeks ago?”

The people in front of them were finished, and as Brady pushed the luggage cart toward the ticket agent, her eyes widened.

“Ma’am, we got two first-class tickets to San Diego, and I got one of these.” He pulled out his State Department special badge Charlie had gotten him for the last caper they did. “It doesn’t say it here, ma’am, but we’re on a special assignment for this lady here.” He gave Charlie’s card to the gate attendant, who compared notes with her colleague.

After tapping on the keys, she nodded her head. “I see it’s noted here. We’ll be tagging these, and you can pick them up in San Diego.”

“I’m taking my briefcase and this case.” He was referring to the hard case that had his long gun in it. The gate agent seemed to know what the contents were, and Brady knew she didn’t want to ask him.

“I’m going to let you go, sir, but good luck finding a spot to stow that thing. You may wind up having to check it at your seat when you get on the plane.” She leaned toward him, “A special agent Navy SEAL?” Her eyes scowled, and then she broke out in a wide smile. “I’d say you just made my day, sir. You going to go get some bad guys?”

“Yes, ma’am. We sure as hell are.”