“So far, well behaved. But I don’t give him too many chances,” Brady said.

Brady finally reached John Pawley last. It was an easy drive from Las Vegas to Coronado, barely five hours, and he agreed to meet them there at the old team building this evening.

Carter Livingstone happened to be visiting relatives in Los Angeles, as it turned out. It was a lucky break, and he agreed to also meet the team in San Diego. Everyone’s ETA was nine o’clock at the old SEAL Team 5 building. That’s where Brady was going to update everyone and finish reviewing the information Charlie was sending him. He couldn’t believe he arranged the whole team in less than two and a half hours.

Sergio forwarded a television clip from San Felipe. Brady and Riley watched on his app, since Brady had a translation overlay he could use on demand. They read the English subtitles as the female announcer updated citizens on the airport takeover. They studied pictures of the airport with large military transport vehicles and troop columns laying down concertina wire and sand barricades, as if it was a war zone. The governor of Baja had been flown to Mexico City, where he would be given a state funeral. It was a slap in the face to the land that he loved, the place where he’d grown up. Brady knew that, in times like this, with everything being so unstable, innocent people were often caught in the crosshairs. He just hoped Maggie and the priest were not going to be among them.

One of the shots on the news program showed a large group of civilians with suitcases and little children and pets in tow being herded into one of the hangars for Mexicana Airlines. Both he and Riley scanned the faces of the audience, looking for Maggie. Neither one came up with her.

“Geez, they’re kind of handling people rough. And they’ve got all those kids there,” Riley said.

“It’s a tense situation, very unpredictable. Honestly, I don’t know what they’re trying to do,” added Brady.

“Does Charlie know who the players are?”

“Yeah, although she doesn’t know them personally, they have an idea it’s a competing cartel from Sinaloa. The governor was supposed to be a pretty good man. It’s just such a shame.”

Riley checked his watch. “Cassie should be here any minute. You want me to fix something? Get something out of the kitchen for you?”

“No, I’ve got too much to do. Let’s let Cassie take over. Come on, and I’ll show you the chicks, and then I’ve got to gather my stuff.” Brady motioned for Riley to follow him into the bathroom where they found Emma playing with the babies.

“Hey, Uncle Riley. I told you about these little guys. I got names for all ten of them. Except I can’t remember all the time,” she said.

“Wow! My kids are going to just love these guys. You keep them away from Tate, though, right?”

Emma wrinkled her nose. “Tate doesn’t want to hurt them. He just doesn’t understand. But I think he’ll be good. Are you guys going to spend the night?”

“Yes, ma’am. Everyone’s going to stay here for a few days while your daddy and I go down and meet up with your mom. This way you and the girls get to play in your garden, and you can show them everything you do here.”

“I hope they won’t get bored. I like to work in the garden. And I like collecting eggs too. Maybe they could go with me to the farmers market on Saturday.”

“I’ll bet they would.”

Brady stepped forward and ran his fingers through Emma’s hair. “Sweetheart, Uncle Riley and I have to gather our things together. We’ve got a plane to catch, and I got a lot of stuff to pack. So will you be okay in here until Cassie and the girls arrive?”

“Yes, Daddy. And Tate could come in if you want.”

“You make sure he’s not left in here alone with the door closed. And you make sure that the kids know that too, okay?”

“Roger that.”

Brady started cackling, laughing so hard he could hardly stand up. “You taught her that? I can’t believe this.”

“She just picks it up. She hears me on the phone. You know we’ve had buddies over. I mean, she learns everything. She’s so incredibly smart.”

“I can see that.”

Brady pulled his two heavy-duty bags that had been stored in the garage. He packed a third soft bag, filling it with clothes and adding an extra hard case for his long gun and ammunition.

“I brought my drones. I’m hoping to try out a couple of new ones,” Riley said.

“That’s probably going to be really handy. I’m waiting to see what equipment she brings us too. We have to jump tonight, but she said she’d have us stocked up with a big van and tons of equipment when we get there. It won’t be an easy or quick escape. We’ll be loaded down with stuff it would take ten people to move. But all in all, I’d rather have it than not have it,” said Brady.

“Amen to that.”

Cassie was holding their toddler, and the other two girls ran to Emma’s room to see the baby chicks. Cassie brought her youngest in to look at the little animals, and then she came back to the living room and handed Vera to Riley. “Your turn. She’s changed, but you need to watch her for a bit. I’ve got to prepare something for the girls. You want anything?”

“No thanks, Cassie. But help yourself to anything,” said Brady.