Chapter 13

Brady placed a quick call to Riley, who began making arrangements so that he could accompany Brady to San Diego as soon as they were ready. They were to meet up with the private transport Charlie coordinated for their insertion tonight in San Felipe. Riley stopped complaining about the op and focused on making lists of equipment and firepower. He was packing up his truck and loading everything he could fit in there while Cassie and the kids would follow later on in her car.

Brady was still on the phone making contact with other potential team members when Riley arrived.

“Glad you’re here, man. I’m going to be on the phone for another hour or two. But I can give you a card and you can go downtown and pick up anything we’re missing. We’ve got a lot of great stores here. You need anything?”

“No, I think I’m good. I’ve probably got enough explosives to blow up this entire valley. I just hope I don’t blow my ass off on the descent. I’ll be Slim Pickens if I screw up.”

Brady chuckled, punching him in the arm.

“I’m assuming you’re going to bring a couple of medi-kits?”

“Absolutely. I got my big one and a spare for the house here for Cassie and the kids.” He looked around. “What does Emma say?”

“Well, she knows something’s going on, but I haven’t actually sat down and explained it to her. We have a friend who has a winery down in the Dry Creek Valley, and he and his wife promised they’d stop by to help us with the animals. I know it’s a lot to ask of Cassie, so I thought she could use some help. At least they can help with the babysitting.”

“Good idea. Is this Zak?”

“Yeah. The pirate SEAL and a helluva guy. Very resourceful too. I would have asked him to come along, but his passport’s not valid. Can you believe such a thing?”

“He’s been out of the game a while. Crack shot, though. We could certainly use him. But I think he and his wife would be good for Cassie and the girls. It will be nice to have at least one man stay here with them.”

“Okay, well, I got to see if I can get through to Enemario and Carter. I reached Fredo and Armando, and both of them are game.”

“Awesome, so we got another expert shooter. Armando is the only guy who beats me at SEAL fest,” said Riley.

Brady wasn’t sure he heard right. “SEAL fest? Have I been asleep for a few years?”

“Muster. Team games. Cassie calls it SEAL fest.”

Brady shook his head. “You do remember he’s recovering you know from his wife’s death. Got a new lady who’s really nice,” Brady added.

“I heard. Good on him.”

“Both Armani and Fredo are going to meet us in San Diego, since that’s where they hail from,” Brady said.

“Makes sense. Have you tried reaching Carter yet? He’s in Mississippi, isn’t he?”

“He moved to Florida last I heard, but the phone number’s the same. I’ve left two messages. I just don’t want to leave without him. We’re going to need a little creative energy, some fancy stuff, and he sells all that now.”

“And who else are you asking?”

“Just Enemario Rodriguez, also a good sharpshooter and a former cop. With Fredo and Armando, adding Enemario ensures we aren’t going to be stuck not knowing Spanish. These guys can blend in really well,” Brady said.

“I like Enemario. I’ll bet he was a helluva cop. He took a lot of chances the last trip, but we were right to rely on him.”

“And I need to call John Pawley. He’s still in Las Vegas. He’d be a good one too.”

“Damn straight, Brady. You’ve sorted out all the good ones. If one of these guys can’t go, do we have enough?”

“I can only spare one, according to Charlie. Somehow, I think no matter where they are at the present time, they’ll get there if they can.”

Riley tilted his head, listening to the sounds of the baby chicks. “How the hell do you sleep at night with all that racket?”

“I keep the door closed. It’s Emma I’m surprised gets any sleep. But she’s so excited to have these new little pets; I think it’s the best thing in the world for her with Maggie being gone. And I’m really glad we don’t have to cart them all over California, because baby chicks don’t transport that well.”

“How’s Tate with them?”