Page 2 of Betraying Katie


Katie raced through her morning at the office of her nonprofit for children of military men and women who died in the line of duty. She had taken it over from a friend, years ago, and loved it. But today, she was distracted.

She was supposed to meet up with her man today. She giggled at the idea. Number one: that she had a man. She’d never really met the guy, but he’d gotten under her skin, nonetheless. And number two: that they were meeting up. Yeah, right.

They had a standing date every day, almost, unless he was running his acquisitions team. They played their video game, and then they went to a private channel he’d created so they could “visit.”

It was as close to a boyfriend as she’d had in years. And it was perfect.

They didn’t know each other’s friends or family. There was zero judgment on either’s behalf, and they had fun together.

A lot of fun.

He wasn’t her typical type. Her type had always been the kind of guy to bring home to her uptight government official parents. And as a former ambassador, her dad was pretty freaking uptight.

Lobo Gris was anything but that type.

He was gritty, down-to-earth, and lived in another country. So her two very different worlds would have no chance of colliding, and she was okay with that.

She could run her nonprofit and be all prim and proper for her parents, and then go back to her penthouse and get freaky online for her Gray Wolf.

And Lordy, did she get freaky.

She’d done things with this online beast that she wouldn’t dream of doing with any of the men she’d ever dated.

And she freaking loved it.

He’d made her discover things about herself that she never would have imagined, and honestly, she couldn’t imagine ever going back to the vanilla sex she’d had in the past.

* * *

“I think there are resources in this old barn. Let’s check it out, but stay alert. Enemy targets are everywhere, Cariño.” His low voice rumbled in Katie’s ear as her character followed his through the game they played.

“This will be the last of it, right? I’ll have met the goal?” The low rumble of his chuckle was her only answer. They both knew what her reward was for gathering resources. Of course, they had to leave the game for that, and he was way more patient than she was.

She followed the red man with the robotic arm through the tall grasses covered in old moldy hay bales. Katie loved this game, had become addicted to collecting resources for her settlement while waging war with other settlements doing the same thing. So addicted, she’d spent a ridiculous amount of money on it, even before meeting Lobo Gris and forming an alliance with his settlement.

Then they’d started talking outside the game on Discord, and things had gotten more personal, and now she was completely infatuated with him. Granted, he was sexy as fuck, a guilty pleasure, and provided more sex for her than any man she’d never met in the flesh had a right to.

They walked around the barn before entering to find a large stack of metal, wood, and several cans of gas—all useful resources that would boost their settlement power. They could use them to upgrade buildings and troops, increasing battle power.

Yeah, it was childish, and her parents would be mortified to know how much money the former debutante who ran a charity operation full-time spent on video games.

“I’m sick of this headset.” She groused, for no other reason than she was ready to move on to the next portion of their play.

“Yeah, it has its design flaws, for sure.” The lilt of Lobo Gris’s Spanish accent did things to her insides, making her eager to take the game elsewhere. “You ready to get out of here today?”

Apparently, he was thinking along the same lines as she was.

“Yeah, Discord?”

“Por supuesto, Cariño.” She loved his nickname for her, having googled it the first time he’d used it. Meaning love, as in dear or honey, it had a deeper meaning for her. She’d read into it almost immediately, but the closer they’d gotten, the more she realized he didn’t use it lightly.

Yeah. She had a game boyfriend.

Logging out and tugging off her headset, she ran her fingers through her hair, wiped her eyes, and logged into Discord on her phone, immediately going to the private server he’d created for the two of them.

She stared at the black screen, waiting for him to log in. She didn’t know much about his life, except he lived in Honduras, but was originally from Del Rio, Texas. His parents were Mexican and had smuggled him over the border when he was a baby, raising him on the edge of both countries. His current job in imports and exports had taken him to Honduras, but it was too stressful to talk about.