“Let’s go. Now.”
Matty looks at me with desperation in his eyes, pleading for a lifeline. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of Ambrose’s angry grown-up voice, but I also don’t want to ruin this kid’s fun. Old Maple symbolized a safe place to retreat to when I was his age. If it can offer him the same kind of solace, I won’t be the one to take that away.
“Actually, it’s fine. I think it’s great Old Maple is finally seeing some action after all these years. You’re welcome to play here whenever you want, Matty,” I say. “Just know that I’ll be collecting your rent starting next week.”
When Matty’s eyes widen, I have to rush to assure him that I’m joking. I could be better with kids.
“Are you sure?” Ambrose says, finally looking at me, curiosity lining his face.
“Of course.”
“Alright. If he gives you any trouble, let me know.”
The brief interaction is stiff and formal and it’s all my doing. I basically put a sticker on my forehead saying Ambrose, Stay Away. But it’s better this way. I don’t mind if carrottop comes over, but I don’t want it to seem like an open invitation.
“I’m sure he won’t be. I barely heard him up there.”
He checks the time on his phone before nodding his head once. “Come on, Matty. You need to wash up before dinner. You stink.” As he turns away, I’m only able to catch a sliver of the smile he gives Matty, but it’s enough to knock the wind out of me.
Ambrose’s large hand on Matty’s shoulder guides him in the direction of his house and once again I wonder if the last seven years have gifted him a child. Matty’s features contradict Ambrose’s, but that still leaves stepfather on the table. Hell, if that blonde pixie asked me to care for her child, I’d probably say yes too. I drop to my knees and bury my hands into the soil, letting the mess on the outside mirror the mess on the inside. But before I slip in my headphones, I catch a snippet of Matty’s voice as they exit the backyard.
“Is that the girl you played Truth or Dare with?”