That makes Monica roll her eyes. Apparently big dick energy isn’t her thing.
“God, you guys.” I laugh. “Yes, yes, yes, and yes. The one and only.”
“Please tell me you fucked him,” Luce says.
Monica nudges Luce’s shoulder, as if that will help.
“What?” Luce glares at her. “Kennedy, if you are seriously about to sit across from me and tell me you came face-to-face with that piece of art and didn’t, well, come…”
She pauses on the word, waiting for me to answer, and I shake my head.
“I can’t be friends with you anymore.” She throws up her arms.
“I was working.”
Luce chews on her bottom lip. “The things I would do to him. Working or not.”
I have no doubt.
“It wasn’t like that. Besides, I’m not dating right now,” I tell her.
“No one said you have to date him.” Luce sighs, removing her suit jacket like the thought of Zac has heated up the room.
Maybe it has.
“Luce has a point,” Monica agrees.
“Not you too.”
“Well, I’m not exactly saying to just, you know—”
“Fuck him,” Luce finishes.
“Sure.” Monica rolls her eyes. “But he’s so nice to look at.”
“Panty-melting, orgasmic hot. Those are the words you’re looking for, Mon,” Luce says. She might as well be throwing darts into a bull’s-eye.
“I can confirm he’s all those things, and well aware of it.” I laugh and roll my eyes. “But it wasn’t like that. We ran into each other, talked about work, talked about Chad—” I let out an annoyed sigh. “And then I had to get back to the mixer.”
It was a friendly conversation with a man who I knew at one glance lives up to his reputation. One I wouldn’t go near with a ten-foot pole. He might be hot as hell, but I don’t need to be another name on his very long list of conquests. I have enough to worry about without adding Zac Vincent to my troubles.
Luce leans in. “You didn’t exchange numbers?”
I shake my head.
“Shame.” Luce sighs.
“Probably for the better,” Monica says. “You’ve seen the news lately, right?”
I nod. “Yes, and after meeting him I definitely understand the image he projects. But, at the same time, I don’t know, he didn’t strike me as…” I pause, not sure how to finish my sentence.
A player?No, that isn’t right, because the guy is definitely a ladies’ man.
Abad guy? I don’t really know him well enough to judge his intentions.
“As what?” Monica prods.
“He just didn’t seem like you’d expect.”