Page 71 of Dominium


It’s the morning after the deal in the house O arranged for the criminals should have gone down. I haven’t slept at all, because for some reason my mind had made up that I would be there when they were taking in the human traffickers. Or drugs. I didn’t even know what went down last night. Maybe both. What if they had stored people who were being used as drug mules, so the drugs were stored inside of the people?

Filling my coffee mug for the sixth time that morning, it is entirely possible my mind is going a little haywire on me. But like with getting Meggy back, I somehow expected to have been there and to have known what happened. But that is stupid to think, right? This is exactly what I wanted. Just a normal life, without any criminals or stalkers. At the same time I am still me, still Morgan, still the curious girl who wants to know everything.

Dean is in the kitchen, making us all breakfast, and my stomach grumbles when I smell eggs and bacon. Even if Dean wasn’t the only one who hadn’t slept with Cherry, which I am totally still holding a grudge against, he’d still be my favorite. He makes food, which is always a win if you ask me.

Picking a favorite has become kind of a running gag between me and the guys, but in reality I love them all in their own unique way. There’s certain moments when I prefer one over the others, like when having my mind blown by climaxing so hard that I’m butterfly effecting a tsunami, but that’s it. Other than that it’s all equal.

O is swiping his phone aimlessly when I crawl in his lap with my fresh coffee. He puts it away and wraps his arms around me.

“More coffee?” he asks as he nuzzles me between my neck and my shoulder.

I feel like he’s judging me, so I ignore his question. He chuckles, grabs my mug from my slightly trembling hands and starts drinking it himself.

“That’s mine!” I cry out in outrage while I try to grab it back, but he holds it above his head with his long arms. So I change my position in his lap and straddle him, pushing myself up on my knees to sit higher, bouncing up and down in an attempt to reach it.

“O, give her back her coffee and stop making her bounce up and down your dick without her noticing,” Dean says when he comes out of the kitchen. “Breakfast is ready.”

O gives me a slick smile as he hands me back my coffee and lifts me out of his lap until I’m standing up again. I give him the stink eye, because Dean was totally right that was what he was doing. The smell of bacon lures me into the dining room instead of searching for retailliation, while Dean gathers the rest of the guys from the house.

For a moment I get distracted by the water drops that fall from Jonah’s face when he quickly pulls a shirt over his face while reaching the kitchen. I love it when they’re freshly showered and clean and still wet, and my mind goes to places where I want to make him all dirty again. As I’m busy ogling Jonah, O steals my coffee again. When I notice what he’s done, my brows furrow and I steal the bacon off his plate. Serves him right.

“How’d everyone sleep?” Gil answers when he sits himself down as the last person at the table.

“Didn’t,” I answer, and my answer gets met with a round of nods. Jonah knows I didn’t sleep, we kept each other up. Not all of it was hardship, even if it was hard if you catch my drift.

“Same,” O says, sipping my coffee. Bastard.

“It’s all a little anticlimactic, you know?” I say with a mouth stuffed full of stolen bacon. “We helped, and we couldn’t even take in the bad guys. We know nothing.”

“Like you have a right to complain about a lack of climaxes,” Gil jokes. He’s not wrong, but in this case I feel like we’re being let down. In the movies and the books you always find out how the villain gets caught, and we’re over here, knowing nothing.

“No, I guess not,” I answer with a full mouth, taking back my coffee and making the food go down with a big gulp. And it’s true, I have no right to complain about climaxes. “But I like to mope.”

“Nobody answer that,” Jonah says without looking up from his plate. “It’s a trap.”

Before I can get into that, the doorbell rings. O gets up and walks over to answer it. We’re not expecting anybody, so all bets are off as to who it could be. I hear voices followed by footsteps, and before I know it O brings in Special Agent Sanders and Special Agent Luta.

Somehow after my let down of not being included on bringing in the bad guys, I never expected to see them again anymore. Having them in my kitchen is kind of a mindfuck. I understand how hypocritical that train of thought is, because I want to be included and know everything, but at the same time I already surrendered I would never get to know.

They nod their heads to us as Dean gets up.

“Coffee, breakfast?” he asks the agents.

“No, thank you,” Special Agent Sanders says.

“Hell yes,” Special Agent Luta says, “to both of them, for both of us. He gets grumpy if he isn’t fed regularly, and we could use it after last night.”

Dean starts making his way to the kitchen to fill extra plates and make more coffee. Meanwhile Special Agent Sanders is looking at his partner in a way that would make me shit my pants. His face lightens up when he gets a plate full of food and a steaming mug full of coffee though.

“So,” Gil asks, “what can we help you agents with today?”

Thank God, or well, Gill, someone is addressing the elephant in the room.

“We wanted to come here to thank you,” Special Agent Luta says while she is stuffing her mouth. “This is good,” she adds when she points her fork to her plate and looks at Dean, instantly making him light up. “With the raid that went down last night, we took in some important people and gathered some good evidence. Most importantly, we cut a deal with someone and we now have the proof who killed Julia Collins.”

“Who was it?” Jonah asks.