Page 37 of Dominium

There are other bartenders tending to the other guests, but unlike the last time I was here, I’m not that interested in what everyone else is doing. Right now, I’m part of the attendees, even if that wasn’t my intent at all. “Call if you need anything, I’ll be here all evening,” he adds before he walks away. I just nod my head at him.

He makes his way to a couple that are sitting a little further down the bar. They’re both dressed in leathers, and the guy is wearing one of those mask like thingies, you know, the ones burglars wear, but this one’s made out of leather. The lady holds a literal leash that’s bound to the guy's neck, and I wonder if I’ll ever see the appeal to that.

No kink shaming, but I don’t have to have all the kinks myself, right? I wonder if Ginny has kinks. Gil, or Toby I guess, leans forward to talk to the woman. She asks him for a key, and he looks at the guy first, who nods, before he gives them a key from beneath the bar. They leave the room soon after and take off to one of the backrooms.

I take a large gulp of my margarita. I ask myself, WWGD? What Would Ginny Do? Ginny wouldn’t just sit here, Ginny would demand attention. My stomach almost does a backflip when I think about actually putting that plan into action.

“Toby?” I say, making the other bartenders look up in confusion. When Gil comes over to me, they look away, not even curious as to why I’m addressing their boss with a different name.

“What can I do for you Ginny?”

“Keep me company,” I say, tapping one of my fingernails on the bar. “I’ve been dealing with imbeciles all day, and I could use some good company.”

“Sure,” he says as he grabs a bottle of water from beneath the counter and takes a sip. “Long day?”

“The longest.”

“And what brings you to Dominium?”

“Hm,” I say, pretending to be thinking and then letting my eyes glide over his body as if I haven’t seen it like this before. “I was coming in to lose control a little, but I’m starting to wonder if I came here to meet you.”

He gives me a coy smile. “I’m just here to work, Ginny, perhaps there’s someone attending here who could spark your interest?”

I let my eyes roam over the room, knowing perfectly well there’ll never be anybody that’ll spark my curiosity like Gil does. I might be having four boyfriends, but if anything, I’m loyal to the core and would never cheat.

“Why waste my time on someone that doesn’t spark my interest, when I have someone right here who does?”

He cocks his head. “Boss doesn’t allow us to be with guests.”

“We’re just talking, right? Just keep me company. Isn’t that in the bartender's job description?” Who is this person and why is she so secure? “Besides,” I add, just to add fuel to the fire, “Aren’t all rules meant to be broken? Isn’t that the whole idea of a place like this?” I pretend to look around all knowing.

“Pushing boundaries, not breaking them. Rules are actually mighty important here,” he informs me. And I know that, but Ginny doesn’t.

“Well, maybe you can tell me all about pushing boundaries.”

“That’d be kind of hard,” he says, giving me a wink. And oh boy, if I wasn’t in love with the guy already, I’d totally fall for him right now. “Because I have no idea what your boundaries are.”

I empty the very sweet margarita, licking my lips to get all the traces and watch how Toby follows every move of my tongue. “I don’t think I have any boundaries, I’m used to bossing everyone around.”

“Seems that total lack of control is out of your comfort zone in that case,” he says as he makes me another drink.

When I grab my clutch to pay him, he winks at me and tells me it’s on the house. He leaves me to go talk to a girl in a schoolgirls outfit with two ponytails, and for a second this green monster inside me wonders if I went into the wrong direction with my outfit and if the bossy thing is totally backfiring.

When Toby, or I guess to that girl he’s just Gil, puts on a certain song, the schoolgirl gets on stage and starts a pole dancing act. It’s a work of art really. She switches between doing all kinds of tricks in the pole, to just regular dancing while giving seductive looks. And she manages to get most of her clothes off without falling over. It’s impressive.

A young man walks up to me, he’s dressed in torn jeans, a tight white tank and biker boots. He’s filling his clothes out very well. His arms are full of tattoos, and I see one that I think is affiliated with one of the motorcycle gangs that is based all throughout the state.

“Evening,” he says as he stands next to me, leaning onto the bar, checking me out. He’s rugged, but handsome, and if I hadn’t had a collection of men at my beck and call, I totally would’ve been pulled into his hold right now.

“Hello,” I answer, not breaking my role, as I give him an arrogant glare.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asks, letting his tongue dart over the ridge of his upper teeth. Jesus take the wheel, what is it with bad boys that make them so irresistible? It has to be something primal right? Like he could defend our cave the best and thus my ovaries pick him?

I hold up my full margarita to him. “I’m good, thank you.”

“Shame,” he says, still not leaving.

Gil, Toby, I don’t know who the fuck he is right now, makes his way back to me. “You harassing Ginny here, Marco?”