Page 21 of Dominium

Gil’s fingers still, and I slowly open up my eyes. I’m not really sure what he’s going for. My Dom is looking over my shoulder, straight at Dean.

“Rough,” Gil answers at last, his voice soft and hoarse. “And hard, and warm, and fucking full. Completely different from having regular sex with a girl. I don’t think there’s a good comparison.”

Ah, I’m starting to see where this is going and where the frailness in Dean’s voice is coming from. It’s the same tenderness I had in my voice when we slept together the first time and he made me say what I wanted. Gil’s fingers start moving again, as he kisses my neck and gives Dean a moment to let his words sink in.

I turn my head, so my mouth is near Dean’s ear. “I think you should just tell him what you want,” I whisper, mimicking his own words.

Gil smiles at me, his eyes kind again, reassuring me. Or maybe Dean. I don’t know. I just know that this is his true self; the man that accepts you for who you are.

Dean, as it turns out, isn’t a talker when it comes to stuff he’s insecure about. Because without saying a word, he crushes his mouth against Gil’s. It’s a tentative peck at first, but Gil stays completely relaxed, letting Dean do his thing.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, the movement of their fingers on my body registers with me. But I’m staring at the two gorgeous men in front of me as their lips battle it out, completely obsessed with what’s happening right in front of me.

Dean seems confused starting out, but the more he gets into it, the more he relaxes. Gil gets more dominant the more Dean relaxes. And me? I’m turning to fucking jelly being stuck here right between them.

They deepen their kiss, and their tongues tangle as they open up for each other. Fucking hell, it makes me kind of envious. Now I want to be a man and make out with a man.

When they release each other, they’re both out of breath. Sweet mother of all things holy, I’m out of breath. The confusion that had been there in Dean’s eyes before got replaced by a lust filled look. Gil looks as at ease as he always does and starts kissing his way from my jaw to my breast.

“Fuck, that was hot. Do it again,” I manage to say when Dean sticks two fingers inside of my pussy without any warning. Didn’t need the warning in the slightest, seeing as I’m dripping.

“Yeah?” he growls, “You didn’t mind that little display?”

“Mind it? Jesus, I fucking loved it. I never knew I aspired to be a man when I grew up.” They both chuckle at that admission. Their kiss made Gil lose his grip on my wrists, and I use my newfound freedom to feel them up as much as I can.

“How about you?” Dean asks Gil, right before he pushes his head in the nape of my neck and starts working me up.

“I’ll let you know when I mind,” Gil growls. “Can I trust you to do the same?”

Dean bites my shoulder, and while I can’t see the way he looks at Gil, I can feel the snark. “You’re not giving me the speech you gave Morgan.”

I can practically taste the alphaness in the air, which is my new favorite everything that I never knew I needed before. When Gil reaches over and grabs Dean by his knot and pulls his face back from my neck, I gasp. “I don’t think you have any say in whether I give you my so-called speech or not. You’re just going to have to deal, and take it.” The look in Gil’s eyes is feral, and while I thought I’d seen the rougher side of him, I was wrong. Pure, unadulterated dominance oozes of him, and I know that he could make me jump through any hoops he’d like me to jump in that moment.

Dean growls. Fuck. He growls. But he doesn’t say anything back. Is this how wolves fight out their ranking? I’m all here for it.

Gil pushes himself up, standing up next to the bed, leaving me very empty. His kindness is gone. He’s sex incarnated at this moment, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything better. He’s been holding back on me.

Perhaps I should spend some more time thinking about what it is that Gil wants for himself, instead of just depending him to get off on pleasing others. Going off on how he looks right now, he’s very, very much on board with Dean’s experiment. Is it an experiment? Or is it some kind of bicuriousness? I’ll have to remember to talk to both of them. Some other time, later. Not now. Right now, I just need to listen to every single thing Gil tells me to do.

“Get on your back, knees up, show us how much you enjoy watching us. I’m trusting you to tell me whenever you get uncomfortable with anything. I’m not opposed to spanking you if I find out later you were uncomfortable,” he tells me, leaving no room for argument and making my insides clench. Then he focuses on Dean.

“Stand up,” is all he says. Guess Dean doesn’t get the speech.

Dean listens, his eyes hard but hooded. It’s like there’s so much testosterone in the room they might break out in a fight.

Gil walks over to Dean, who’s acting defiant, challenging my Dom. They stand a foot apart, and stare at each other. It’s as if sparks come off them.

Then, before I know what’s happening, Gil pounces on Dean, pressing him against the cabinet in the room. His forearm is pressed against Dean’s shoulders, leaving him no room to escape. Hard bodies crash into each other, and it’s like I’m watching the battle of the Titans.

My hands find my breasts, starting with a soft caress that soon unwillingly changes into roughly touching my boobs and twisting my nipples. Dean leans forward as far as he can, kissing Gil again. The chef's hands are all over Gil’s body, grabbing his back and his legs. There’s nothing soft about it. It’s like they’re fighting for their lives, not able to survive if they don’t give in to their urges to touch one another.

Gil’s hand glides over the hard panes of Deans stomach, dipping lower and grabbing Dean’s dick at the base. My own hand glides over my belly, gliding through my slick in order to find some kind of release. I watch as the two men keep staring at each other, while Gil roughly yet slowly starts tugging. If it was me doing it, I’d be afraid I was hurting Dean. But he doesn’t seem to mind. Dean grunts, as he finally surrenders and gives into Gil’s touch. He grabs Gil’s head with two hands, and kisses him with the same force as before.

A moan leaves my mouth as I look at them. Never knew that I needed some man-on-man action in my life.

“You still with us?” Gil asks, his voice hoarse.
