Page 40 of Roots

“Take her panties off Dean.”

His hands immediately search the edge of my underwear, and he ever so slowly starts pulling them down as he crouches behind me. He follows his hands with a trail of kisses that make me shiver. The skin on the back of my legs is so sensitive that I almost moan from the sensation.

“Jonah, kiss her.”

Footsteps sound from the left side of the room, and Jonah’s body is flush against mine soon after. He cups a hand in my neck as his thumb grazes my lip before he puts his lips on mine. I instantly open my mouth and let my head fall in my neck as we start kissing.

“Slowly touch her Dean.”

His hands work his way up over my legs and I can’t focus on the kiss Jonah is giving me anymore as there’s too much going on. Jonah releases my lips and kisses my jawline. I throw my head in my neck when Dean’s hand cups my mound. He lets one finger slide through my lips, and I moan. I do hope moaning isn’t considered a violation of the ‘do-not-make-a-sound’ order, because I don’t want this to end, and let’s be honest, it’s not like I have any control over my moaning at the moment.

Jonah pushes his body against mine and I’m stuck between two hot and firm bodies. He keeps kissing me, while Dean is slowly driving me crazy. He seems to touch me everywhere, except where I want him to touch me. Being in the dark makes me extremely aware of where it exactly is I actually want him to touch me.

“Rub her clit.”

Good boy that my chef is, he listens to the commands his friend gives him. I almost come on the spot as he finally touches the bundle of nerves between my legs. I start panting and the little sounds I’m making get smothered when Jonah pushes his mouth against mine again.

“Make her come.”

At this point I’m just a big gaping mess of intense sensation. It’s not even been a goddamn minute and my orgasm is already starting to build up. There’s no way I’m able to delay it. I can’t speak, I can’t touch them, I can’t give them a look to try to communicate and I most certainly can’t not come. I’m forced to give myself over to just being, and the total lack of control is what makes me topple over the edge of the abyss. I fall and keep falling and then fall some more, until my legs almost give out from under me. It surprises me how quiet my orgasm is compared to all the moaning I did in the building up to it. Jonah and Dean hold me up while I try to come to my senses again, but I find it hard while not being able to see. It’s like I’m stuck in post-orgasmic bliss, and I can’t say it really bothers me.

Warm hands guide my legs back in my panties as they’re being pulled up while I’m still stuck between Dean and Jonah.Someone pulls my dress down again, as Jonah unhooks my hands and tries to untie my wrists. He fails, because he can’t see shit, but I’m okay with that. I hear footsteps going to the door and as the door opens, a little beam of light brings me back to reality.

With the lights coming back in, my eyes search out all of the boys. Seeing them is a different experience than feeling them all so close just seconds before. My bravery seems to be gone though, and in its place comes a little self-conscience. But all of them act like that was the most normal thing in the world to do, so I just go along with it.

It's mind-boggling how wrong my assumptions can be. As I stare out of the window in the car door, I watch different houses pass by. I would have assumed it would be weird, to step into a dark room with three of my friends, have a casual sexual encounter and then step back out. But it’s not. There’s no weirdness there at all. Stepping back out makes us fall back in the same comfortable camaraderie we had before we entered the room. If anything, the whole experience just made me empowered. Sexy even. Who would’ve thought?

Dean drives us back to Charlington as he softly hums along to the music on the radio. It’s some country music radio station and somehow it isn’t what I thought Dean would listen to. Perhaps we were all full of surprises that evening. We pull up to the house while I’m still lost in thought. Dean parks his car next to O’s and we all get out.

There’s something beneath the window wipers of O’s car, which is weird, because there’s no law enforcement to write out tickets in Charlington, and we don’t flyer, because there’s nothing to flyer for in town. Jonah notices there’s something there immediately too, as he moves to the car and pulls a square photo from the windshield. He turns what seems to be a polaroid around, and his shoulders stiffen as he looks at what it is. He has his phone in his hand and starts to call someone before he stretches out his hand and shows us what it is.

There’s a photo of O getting out of the shower, completely naked. The photo is cropped above his waist and O doesn’t seem to notice the photo is being taken. Something is written beneath the photo, the writing tiny and cramped. “See what you missed while you weren’t there to watch him.” Shivers run over my back when I realize that Celia has been watching O while we’ve been out at Dominium.

As Jonah gets on the phone with O, I frantically look around, trying to find this girl that is stalking O. But the darkness I find this time is not as thrilling as the darkness earlier that evening had been. My stomach fills with dread instead of butterflies. Fuck this shit.