Page 39 of Roots

The next room we open is all black. There isn’t a lot in the room, and I don’t get what that’s about. Gil must see the confused look on my face, and he continues his grand tour.

“If you close the door, everything is dark. The room takes away your sight, to intensify your other senses. You could accomplish the same thing with a blind fold, but somehow everything being completely blacked out heightens certain experiences.”

A hand on my back slowly pushes me in and I take a step forward as I look around some more. Being in the room with these three men makes me bold. Searching out Gil’s eyes, I make eye contact.

“I’ve never done anything like any of this before. I’ve always just been in relationships, making love, not searching for pleasure.”

The gorgeous man with his silver nose piercing shrugs as he strokes a hand over his buzz cut. “We’ve all started somewhere. Starting doing stuff like this is easy when it’s all you know. It’s harder when you have to find everything out for yourself. When you have to find out if you’re even interested in it at all. And it’s not for everyone. That’s okay too. Part of this life is also accepting that what I like doesn’t have to be your cup of tea. I know I don’t like all the stuff that people are up to in Dominium.” He seems to get lost in thought for a second.“God, I don’t even want to know what half of my patrons are up to.”

I look around him to get a better look in the room, curious if it would be something I would like. I’ve never even thought about my boundaries. I just went with everything I supposed was expected of me.

“This is probably one of the easiest rooms to let go and experiment a little. The darkness takes away the worry of what you see and what can be seen. It makes it easier to focus on sensations. And it’s just kind of exciting.”

I’m not a very spiritual person, but this room is calling my name, waiting for me to give in to its seduction. And I just fucking do it.

“Show me,” I say, looking at Gil from beneath my lashes while my heart is thumping in my chest. “Close the door.”

I manage to surprise all three of them with it, and if I’m being totally honest, I probably surprise myself the most. I must’ve woken up with an extra dose of bravery that morning.

“You sure that’s what you want?” Gil asks as he gives me an intense look.

As I slowly nod, our eyes seem glued to each other. He seems to be looking for any sign of insecurity or dishonesty, but while I’ve got nervous butterflies in my stomach, I’m mainly very curious. He seems to accept whatever it is he finds in my eyes.

“Do you need any of us to step out of the room?” he keeps questioning me, falling into the dominant side of his character that is so in place in Dominium. The gentle, kind vibe he has going in everyday life is still there, but it’s covered in a layer of alpha male.

My eyes go from Gil to Dean, who’s leaning against the wall in anticipation while his face remains neutral, and eventually to Jonah, who’s standing closest to me and is eyeing me with hooded eyes. I focus on Gil again, as I shrug, too shy to put into words that I’d love to keep them all in the room.

He releases a long breath as he steps to me and places his hand on my side. “You listen to me, Morgs. I’m going to close that door and we’re going to play. Once that door is closed, everyone in here will listen to every single detail I tell them to do. I’ll be in control. But I need all of you to trust me to make this work. And I need to be able to trust you to tell me when you’re starting to get uncomfortable and when to stop. Because this experience is yours and you hold the power over what happens here, even if I’m in control. Can you do that?”

It’s just words, but they resonate between my legs, and I swear I’m soaked already. Yes, this is a game I want to play. I love the idea of having fun in this room and letting go.

“Yes, sir,” is what I say intuitively, responding to his dominance. That earns me a smile that reaches his eyes, and, in that moment, he is just the friendly man I’ve gotten to know over the last few weeks again. Both Dean and Jonah don’t say a thing, so I take their silence as consent.

Everything goes dark when Gil slowly closes the door, and my body immediately responds to it. The anticipation is killing me and I’m loving it. It’s so dark I can’t see a thing, absolutely nothing. It’s pitch black and somehow standing still is really hard without seeing what I’m doing. I giggle as I sway a little.

“I need you to listen to me Morgan,” Gil says with a deep sultry voice while I hear movement on the other side of the room. “You don’t get to speak unless you don’t want to continue. Speak up and everything stops immediately, and I’ll open the door again. Other than that, you don’t talk. You just listen and feel and smell and taste. The last thing before you stay silent I want to hear from you is that you understand.”

My heart is pounding in my chest, and my pussy throbs in anticipation. These casual sexual affairs are new and exciting. And the way Gil has turned into a man that holds all the reins is hot as fucking hell. It’s at that point I realize I’m in a situation with three men that could potentially end up very sexual. I’ve never been with more than one man before and have never even felt the need to experiment with it, but here I am, just going for it without making a pros and cons list about it first.

“I understand.”

There are sounds coming from all around the room which I can’t place. The smell in the room is neutral, which I guess also works in favor of getting the least amount of impulses.

Someone is moving closer, and I can feel body heat on my side. I smell a nice musky cologne, which adds to my excitement. “Give me your hands,” Gil’s voice rumbles close to my ear. Not able to see what I’m doing I stick my hands out in front of me as he searches for them in the dark. His warm hands grab mine and he pushes them together in a praying gesture. Something soft is wrapped around my wrists. It’s made of fabric and is cool to the touch against my skin. It’s thrilling that they’re being bound together, and in that moment I truly trust these men to make me have a fun experience while staying safe.

The little voice inside my head that asks me what the fuck I’m doing with these men I presume are my friends, gets shut up by the darkness. My hands are pulled up and get placed behind something above my head.

Did he just hang my tied wrists on a hook? Fuck. That’s scary, and new, and incredibly hot. Dean and Jonah don’t make any sounds and I can’t pinpoint where they are or what they’re doing. I haven’t even considered if this is what they want to do, but then again, they haven’t objected. And maybe it isn’t all bad to have this experience for myself and be a little selfish.

“Dean, get her dress up, spank her ass and then soothe her until you've made the ache go away,” Gil’s voice says from the other side of the room. How did he get there without me hearing him move? He’s like a freaking super silent superhero. And wait, what? Spank me? Before I can analyze whether I like that or not, Dean’s hands pull my dress up and he leaves the skirt hitched on my waist. Nobody can see me in the darkness of the room, but being exposed the way I’m now with my skirt up leaves me a little nervous. The air is cool against my ass that’s only half covered in my panties and my insides tighten in anticipation.

I hear the smack before I feel the sting and I hiss. The darkness and the silence in the room multiply all the sensations. A warm hand caresses my behind as Dean's firm chest presses against my back. His warm breath rolls over the back of my neck, as he drapes my hair over one shoulder, and he starts kissing my neck. The sting of his spank is long forgotten as I push my ass back against him.

Another body on the other side pressed against me as a face with a scruffy beard scrapes my neck near my ear. Gil’s voice is soft, but still very clear when he speaks to me:

“Now, I’m aware you’ve slept with Dean, and you’ve kissed Jonah. Here’s how this is going to go. Dean will be the only one right now to touch you in any sexual manner. You’ve already chosen to be with him on your own accord. Should you decide you want to fuck Jonah, you’re going to do so when you choose to do that on your own, not because I tell him to touch you. If you ever want to sleep with me, you’ll have to make that decision on your own. I will not make it for you. But I’m going to take control over your pleasure and I’ll use both Dean and Jonah to do that. Remember that you hold the power and as soon as you talk, we stop.”

Fuck, I’ve never been so turned on by someone telling me they’re not going to touch me. I bite my lip as I try my hardest not to answer him.