“Leave it, Dominic,” he said. “I think you’ve teased our friend enough.” He addressed Adrian. “Did you come here to get wasted, FitzRoy, or were you seeking a friendly ear?”

“Both,” Adrian said.

“We can still help you with the latter.” Oxton shot Peterton a warning glance. “Can’t we, Dom?”

Peterton shrugged his shoulders.

“I take it Dom’s right in that it’s something to do with Mrs. Black?” Oxton asked.

“Yes,” Adrian sighed, “and it’s to do with Will.”

“What—Wicked Willie Blackstock?” Peterton exclaimed. “He got around in his heyday. Given his reputation, I suspect that if you step into any ballroom in London, you’ll find yourself within six feet of at least two women who spread their legs for him.”

“Was Mrs. Black acquainted with him?” Oxton asked.

“She was a little more than acquainted with him,” Adrian said.

Peterton let out a laugh. “Don’t tell me—she was one of Willie’s conquests!”

Adrian nodded. “Her real name is Miss Graham.”

Peterton stared at him, confusion in his eyes—then the confusion turned to recognition.”

“Good Lord!” he cried. “The Miss Graham? The one who hounded him to his death?”

“Oh, come on, Dom!” Oxton cried. “You don’t still believe that ridiculous story?”

“Willie told me himself,” Dom said. “He said her father was blackmailing him.”

“Wicked Willie was a womanizer,” Oxton said. “We all know that.”

At that moment the footman returned with the drinks and they fell silent until he disappeared once more.

Adrian sipped his water. “I loathe to admit it, but Will liked to seduce women.”

“Don’t we all?” Dom asked. “And you’re one of the most proficient of us, FitzRoy. How many women have screamed your name this season?”

“Just one,” Adrian said.

Peterton spluttered on his brandy. “So you did fuck her! Let me guess—she’s hounding you like she did Willie?”

“No,” Adrian said. “She’s refusing to see me.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because I accused her of exactly what you’re accusing her of.”

Peterton snorted. “Then it’s mere female indignation that her plan to seduce you failed.”

“If I recall,” Adrian said, “your plan was for me to seduce her.”

“And you succeeded.” Peterton said. “If Willie were alive now, you could compare notes.”

“Oh stow it, Dom!” Oxton said. “You know, as well as I, that Willie was no saint. He was a seducer and defiler of women and was not averse to debauching debutantes. It doesn’t take a genius to surmise that the elusive Miss Graham disappeared from society to protect herself from scandal, and that her father confronted Willie in an attempt to ensure he did the honorable thing. The problem with old Willie, is that he wouldn’t know honor if it slapped him in the face. He was ruled by his cock, rather than his head.”

Oxton was right—and, if Adrian dared to admit the truth about his friend, he’d known it all along. In all likelihood, Will must have seduced Miss Graham under the guise of courtship, persuading her to relinquish her maidenhead—all to further his reputation as the most virile man in London.

Peterton let out a laugh. “Who are you to preach to the rest of us, Georgie? At least we don’t insist on the whores wearing red wigs to satisfy some perverse inclination when we shag them.”