Gentle hands caressed her knees, then followed a path along her thighs, moving closer, toward the center of her need. The ache grew within her and she let out a soft cry, urging him higher. His fingers slowed and she gave a mewl of frustration and moved her legs farther apart.

“Adrian,” she panted, “please…”

He moved his hand higher and touched her in that intimate place she dared not speak of, and her body shuddered as he ran his finger along her folds in a slick motion. Her pulse thickened and she shifted her body against his hand to increase the pressure.

“Oh!” she cried. “It’s so…” She broke off as new sensations swirled around her body. What was he doing to her, to elicit such exquisiteness?

He moved his hand away, and she let out a cry of protest.

Then, he lowered his head and placed a kiss on her thigh. Gently, but firmly, he eased her knees farther apart with his hands while he followed a trail of kisses where his hand had been. The world shifted sideways and she gripped his shoulders to prevent herself from falling. Then he drew his tongue along her center, the soft, velvety weapon teasing, probing, until he found the secret bud of nerves. Her body jerked but he held her firm, gripping her knees while he stroked and teased her body with his tongue. Then, he clamped his mouth over her center and sucked hard.

She cried out as her body disintegrated, sending exquisite ripples of pleasure through her.

At length, the ripples subsided and his touch softened. He drew his tongue along her body in a gentle caress, and finished with a delicate kiss on her thigh, while her body shook from the sensations he’d awakened in her.

Then he lowered her skirts and drew her to him.

“I have never tasted anything so delicious,” he said.

“And I…” She shook her head. “I never knew it could be…” She broke off as tears stung her eyes.

“I’ve never made a woman cry before,” he said, with a grin. “I must be losing my touch.”

She looked away, consumed by shame.

Was it all just a game to him?”

“Sophia?” He lifted a hand and caressed her cheek, coaxing her head around to face him. “Sophia, forgive me,” he said, raw concern in his voice. “I didn’t mean to tease. The last thing I want to do is make you unhappy. Did I hurt you?”

“No,” she said. “It’s just I never felt so…” She shook her head. “I mean…I never knew it could be like that.”

His eyes widened in understanding, then he muttered a curse under his breath.

“You mean, you’ve never experienced pleasure with a man?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“If you don’t know, then you definitely haven’t,” he said. “Dear Lord, what on earth had your husband been up to? Any real man must always see to the lady’s pleasure before taking his own. Forgive me, Sophia, but he was an utter cad if he took his own pleasure without showing you pleasure in return.”

The image of William swam into her mind—the look of male satisfaction when he’d taken his pleasure, followed by disgust and contempt at her weak-minded attempts to make him love her. The tears in her eyes spilled onto her cheeks.

“Oh, Sophia!” Adrian cried. “Forgive me. I shouldn’t have spoken ill of him. I only spoke out of my regard for you.”

He took her hand and she curled her fingers around his, finding solace in his solidity and strength.

“There is so much pleasure to be had,” he said, “if you’d let me show you. Making love can be the most wonderful experience in the world. But perhaps I’ve gone too far tonight. If you wish it, I shall leave you to enjoy the rest of your stay here in peace.”

He released her hand and drew back.

He was offering her a choice. His need for her was evident in his breeches, yet he did not insist on satisfying it—unlike William, who’d worn her down, eroding her defenses until she’d surrendered, manipulating her into his bed, only to toss her aside once he’d satisfied his lust.

Her body had yielded to Adrian, taking pleasure from the way he held her in such a firm hold, while administering to her pleasure. But as for her heart…

The man before her now—giving her a choice, and asking permission—was the man she had fallen in love with.

Sophia gave a start.

Where did that notion come from?