“Which is?”
“That you call me Adrian.”
She opened her mouth to protest, and he held up his hand. “At least, while you are my guest at Roseborough.”
Kindness shone in his eyes, as well as an eagerness to please. Away from London, the rake had been replaced by an honest, caring man, who valued more than wealth, grandeur, or titles.
He took her hand, and raised his eyebrows as if asking permission. She gave a slight nod, and his lips curled into a smile as he lifted her hand and placed a light kiss on her fingers. Her stomach fluttered as his warm breath caressed her skin, sending a ripple of pleasure through her. Instinctively her fingers curled around his.
“Sophia,” he whispered, and he drew her to him. He lowered his gaze to her lips and his tongue flicked out, tracing the outline of his mouth. Then he brought her closer until their lips almost touched.
He drew in a breath and smiled.
“There!” he said, softly. “That wasn’t so difficult, was it?”
“Adrian, I…”
“Hush, my love.”
She tipped her face up and a whimper escaped her throat as soft, warm lips claimed hers. They tasted of coffee and spices. She’d expected him to taste of the pungent astringency of the whisky that had always lingered on William’s lips. But, instead of harsh and cold, his lips were warm, and comforting.
He tasted of home.
He circled his arm around her and deepened the kiss. Warmth flooded her soul and she melted in his arms, taking comfort from his strength.
How long had it been since she’d been kissed? The last time was when she had finally given in to William’s demands—when he’d taken advantage, then abandoned her, leaving her with child.
With a cry she broke the kiss and pulled free.
What the devil was she playing at? Giving herself to the first man to woo her—and in front of her son!
Tears stung her eyes and she wiped them away with a rough movement, as if to erase the pain.
Henry, oblivious to her turmoil, still leaned out of the window.
“Forgive me,” FitzRoy said. “I should not have done that.”
He sounded as unsettled as she. His eyes, bright with need, focused on her, then he shifted his gaze to her son.
“Come inside, young man, before you fall out!” he said, brightly. He picked Henry up by the waist and placed the boy on his lap. Sophia’s heart ached to see the easy affection he had for the boy, and the way Henry wrapped his arms around FitzRoy’s neck.
Was Henry falling under his spell as much as she?
FitzRoy bounced Henry up and down on his knee and the boy squealed with delight. Over the top of the child’s head, he fixed his gaze on Sophia and winked, and she couldn’t help smiling at his easy affection.
What a good father he would make…
She caught her breath. From where had that notion come?
Ashamed for wishing what could never be, she turned her head and fixed her gaze out of the window, watching the view as they drew nearer to the house.
“I want to be just like you when I grow up, Adrian,” Henry said. “Then I could have a house like yours, for Mama and me to live in—for ever and ever.”
“Hush, Henry,” Sophia chided. “You wouldn’t want your mama to plague your adulthood.”