“Ah, there you are, FitzRoy!”
As Adrian entered White’s, Peterton waved at him, and he crossed the floor of the clubroom and joined his friend.
“You’re late,” Peterton said.
Adrian snorted. “I’m surprised you’ve noticed, Dom,” he said, nodding to Peterton’s glass. “How many is that? And it’s not even suppertime. No one likes a toper.”
“And no one likes a killjoy. Perhaps if you had a glass or two, you wouldn’t be so bloody boring.”
“I prefer to keep my mind sharp,” Adrian said.
“All the better to seduce your prey with?” Peterton snorted. “So, how are you faring? Has the delectable Mrs. Black tossed up her skirts for you?”
“Not yet.”
Peterton let out a laugh. “Don’t tell me she’s frigid! Perhaps Charlie will have better luck. He’s already making progress with the dog lady.”
“So that’s why I saw Axford in the park.” Adrian said.
“Yes,” Dominic said. “Axford’s up next. He saw you in the park, by the way, ingratiating yourself beautifully with your little piano teacher and her brat. I commend you. The best way to win a mother’s heart is to indulge her child.”
“It’s not like that at all.” Adrian took a seat, and a footman hurried toward them.
“A glass of water, please,” Adrian said. The footman bowed and disappeared.
“Good God, man,” Dominic said, “do you mean to embarrass me in my own club? At least join me in a brandy.”
“No,” Adrian said. “You’re welcome to reduce your mental state by consuming the stuff, but permit me to maintain my faculties.”
“The better to seduce her with?”
Adrian sighed. “Don’t you think this game of seduction is taking things a little too far? Surely there’s another way by which you can redeem Summerton Hall?”
Peterton leaned forward in his chair. “Don’t tell me you’re falling in love with her.”
“I’m hardly in danger of that,” Adrian said.
“Then do what we agreed.” Peterton waved his glass at Adrian. “Give her a good, hard fuck—two, if you like—then leave with your heart intact.”
A ripple of coughs and tuts of disapproval threaded through the clubroom.
The footman arrived with a glass of water. Adrian plucked it off the tray, and took a sip.
The quest to seduce Sophia might have begun as a bet, but it was now more than that. He wanted her—but not just her body. He wanted her mind, her friendship, and her love. He might have invited her to Roseborough on a whim, but the idea had blossomed in his mind until he could think of nothing else.
He wanted her more than he’d wanted any other woman. Behind the intelligent expression in her eyes lived the potential for desire and passion. And, beneath that plain muslin gown of hers, was the body he yearned to claim, to hear his name screamed from her lips while he drove himself into her.
Peterton gave a low chuckle and Adrian saw his friend was watching him.
“I know that look, FitzRoy,” he said. “I’ll wager you’ll be shagging the prim demeanor out of our pretty little widow by the weekend.”
Adrian drained his glass and stood. “I must take my leave.”
“Fair enough,” came the reply. “When there’s a skirt to lift, and thighs to part, I’m the last person to stand in your way.”
Adrian left the clubroom, fighting the urge to plant a shiner in Peterton’s face.