ROMAN HAD ONLY BEEN GONE for a handful of minutes in the hotel, which told Cara that he’d dropped off his bag and nothing else. He’d returned with a blazer and tie that he set in the back seat. He was dressed up more than usual, she’d noticed, wearing a button-down shirt, gray dress pants, and black loafers. Just like all of his looks, it was fabulous.
Now, he was gazing at her with intensity, as if his question about her agreeing to be his girlfriend were the most important thing in the world.
“Hmm.” Cara tapped her chin, taking her time. She was enjoying making Roman wait, just a little. “You can tell her yes.”
“You know what that means, right?” he asked in a low voice. A low, sexy voice that was causing the goosebumps to return.
“What does it mean?”
He leaned toward her, his fingers brushing up her arm.
Her heart rate seemed to go off the charts each time she was around him.
“It means that I can kiss you more.”
“Be my guest,” she whispered.
He accepted the invitation.
She shifted forward, giving him easier access, and then his mouth pressed against hers. He kept the kiss light, but her pulse zoomed. She could spend all day and all night with this man, and never want to stop kissing him. A spike of adrenaline shot through her at the thought of being considered his girlfriend. That meant he was her boyfriend . . .
She could definitely live with that.
After a very enjoyable minute or so, Cara drew back, breathless, her heart wild. One of them needed to keep their common sense. “Make the call, Romeo. We have plans, remember?”
“Mmm,” Roman murmured. “All right.” He called Mia’s iPad, and after it rang a few times, she came on.
“Daddy? Just a minute.”
There was a rather blurry image of her for a couple of seconds, then she moved off screen.
“Mia?” Roman said as the wait went on for several seconds. “What are you doing?”
“Is that her bedroom?” Cara asked.
“Yeah, her headboard, it looks like.”
Another handful of seconds passed, then Mia came into sight again. She was out of breath.
“Everything okay, sweetie?” Roman asked.
“Oh, yes!” Mia said. “Hi, Cara!”
“Hi, Mia.” Cara leaned closer to Roman to be more in full frame. “How are you?”
“I’ve been making a new recipe this morning,” Mia said. “And I had to check the oven with Lila. She won’t let me get anything out of it by myself.”
“That’s wise,” Roman said.
“What are you making?” Cara asked.
“No-bake cookies, but I added two things and I’m baking them.”
Cara tried to compute this for a second. “Really? What did you add?”
“Uh, an egg and some brown sugar.”
“Interesting,” Cara said, glancing at Roman.