“Afraid so,” he said.

“Well, I’m glad you got to him at this point, at least.”

“Yeah.” Holt paused. “So, you got the boyfriend sent back to Wyoming, and you’re in Newport? How’s that going?

“He’s not my boyfriend,” Cara said.

“What do you kids call it nowadays? Going steady?”

Cara scoffed. “No . . . we haven’t even been on a date.” Something niggled at the back of her mind, but she pushed it away. “We’re friends, that’s all. Well, a little more than friends, but there’s nothing serious going on.”

“Huh.” Holt paused. “Then why you calling me?”

“Can’t I call my brother?”

“I can tell something’s up,” he said. “Just spill it.”

So Cara told him about the last day with Roman, minus the kissing parts, and what their conversations had been about.

“So you texted him about making the next plans, then you left a voicemail today, and he hasn’t replied?” Holt said. “Since yesterday?”


He was silent for several minutes, until Cara finally said, “Are you still there?”

Her brother released a sigh. “So here’s what I think. You’re a grown woman with a successful career. He’s been around the block at least once. Married with a kid. Lots to consider there. If you want to date this man, then don’t sit around waiting or wondering if he’s going to reach out next.Call him tonight when there’s no excuses for him not to answer.”

Cara closed her eyes. “That’s what I thought you were going to say.”

Holt’s chuckle came through the phone. “Glad I could help, then.”

“But wait, there’s something else I haven’t told you.” She hoped this wasn’t breaking any confidences, but it wasn’t like Holt would tell anyone. That man was a vault. “When he was seeing Stacy Bernard, she complained they hadn’t ever gone out on a real date. Yet she believed they were in a relationship—way more on her part than his. I’m just worried that this is a pattern for Roman.”

“Only one way to find out,” Holt said matter-of-factly.

“You still think I should call him again?”

“I do. Look, sis, if you really like this guy, then it’s no joke dating a single parent. I know.”

Yeah, he did. Cara climbed off her bed, still holding her phone. “Okay, I’ll call him.”

“Good. And when you do, send me a text with an update. Not to be nosy, but now I’m involved.”

“All right,” Cara said. “Thanks, bro.”


After they hung up, Cara did feel better. Nervous still about calling Roman again, but much better. Holt was right. She should get to the heart of it sooner than later.

If she was being a pest, then so be it.

Cara climbed off her bed and headed to her closet to get her outfit ready for tonight. She’d go to work and put him out of her mind. She’d call as soon as she was off work. But if he didn’t answer, then how was she supposed to feel?

Cara blasted her music on the drive. When she walked into the kitchen restaurant, she greeted everyone, gave them a quick update on her absence, then got to work.

The next few hours passed quickly, but slowly at the same time. She only allowed herself to check her phone once an hour.

“What are you doing?”