As the sing-along came to an end, and the crowd moved to the various food and drink stands, Cara realized she didn’t want this night to end yet. She wanted the music to continue for much longer. Instead, townspeople greeted her, and she introduced Roman over and over. The conversations were mostly duplicates. Once they learned Roman’s name—unless they’d already heard it through the rumor mill—they’d ask questions about the current Frontier Town season.
Roman remained patient and upbeat with the barrage of questions, all the while keeping hold of Cara’s hand. Like he was making it clear that they were together.
Were they together, though? Or was Roman keeping this up purely because Harvey was likely still around?
Only when Mia and Ruby ran up, reminding Roman that they were still waiting for his answer on a sleepover, did he release Cara’s hand to crouch and face Mia. “Can you stay here with Cara while I go talk to Ruby’s parents alone? I don’t need them put on the spot with your begging.”
Mia sighed, but said, “All right, Daddy. Be sure to say please.”
Roman straightened, then he chuckled and ran a hand over his face. He looked over at Cara. “See what I have to deal with?”
She only smiled. “I think it’s good for you, Mr. De Marco.”
His brown eyes flashed at that. “Oh, do you?” His fingers brushed hers.
“You’d better go and talk to Macie and Holt,” Cara said. “I think Mia is going to jump out of her skin.”
Roman held her gaze, though. “What do you think? She’s never slept apart from a parent before, and I don’t know if she’ll wake up scared or anything.”
“They can call if there are any issues, but I trust Macie wholeheartedly. Holt is heading out tonight for a long drive to pick up a horse. So it might be fun to have Mia hanging out with the girls.”
“Oh, I’m sure Mia will love it. That’s not the issue.”
Cara tilted her head. “She’s growing up, isn’t she?”
“Yeah,” Roman said in a soft voice. “I don’t know if I like it.”
Cara set her hand on his arm and squeezed. “It’s just one night. And if you can’t sleep, then we can play card games or something.”
Roman scanned her face as if looking for something. Then he gave a brief nod and turned away. Cara watched him until he disappeared into the crowd, searching out Macie and Holt.
“Come on, girls, you want hot chocolate?”
“Yes!” both of the girls chorused.
Cara grasped each of their hands, and they headed toward the nearest hot chocolate stand. It was sweet to see how many kids carried the reindeer candy canes that Mom and Jana had handed out earlier.
As they waited in line, Roman joined them. Before Mia noticed that he was back, he bent close to Cara. “Thanks, I needed the pep talk.”
“All good?” she asked.
“Daddy!” Mia threw her arms about his legs. “Please tell me the good news.”
Roman chuckled. “I swear, you’re going to wear me down to a stump in the ground one of these days.”
Mia only grinned like that had been her plan all along.
“You can sleep over at Ruby’s if you follow the rules.”
Mia squealed and jumped up and down. Then she came to a dead stop. “Wait. What are the rules?”
Ruby crowded close, too, her eyes wide, as if rules for a sleepover might change their minds.
“You have to go to bed the first time that Macie tells you to,” Roman said. “And if you change your mind about staying over, then tell Macie, and she’ll call us to come get you.”
Mia emphatically shook her head at this suggestion. “I won’t change my mind.”