CARA LEANED ON THE FENCE of the corral as she watched her dad lead Mia around in circles on one of the ponies. Ruby was on a pony as well, riding proudly. The two girls had been like two peas in a pod, which had brought unexpected joy to Cara.
What were the chances these two girls would ever hang out together again? Pretty slim, she knew.
“I think this is easily the best Christmas ever for Mia,” a voice rumbled close to Cara.
She looked over to see Roman taking a place at the fence next to her. He rested his forearms at the top, and Cara noticed that he’d changed into a short-sleeved T-shirt. Another good look on him.
“She loves ponies, that’s for sure,” Cara said.
“I guess I might have to get one,” Roman said with a shake of his head. “She’s gone out a few times on a horse with me, but it will be a while before she can ride one on her own.”
“I don’t know about that,” Cara said. “They start ’em young in Texas.”
Roman grinned. “Is that so?”
She laughed. “You wanna ride?”
“Maybe later,” he said. “I think I’m about to go into a food coma. Your family outdid themselves.”
She nudged him. “Just wait until dinner. Better than Thanksgiving, in my opinion.”
Mia squealed at something, and Cara turned her attention back to the corral. Cara’s dad had let go of the reins and was watching her ride on her own. The pony was going pretty slow, but Mia’s eyes were huge.
“You’re doing great, little lady,” her dad said. “Just keep the reins firm in your hands like I showed you.”
Mia bit her lip and seemed to be concentrating really hard. When she got to the side where Cara and Roman were, she looked up quickly, beamed, then looked back down.
“You got it, sweetie,” Roman called out.
She nodded, and another smile appeared on her face.
“She’s a natural,” Cara commented. “Although the pony isn’t going to do anything different whether or not she’s holding the reins. But it’s my dad’s trick to give the kids confidence.”
Roman’s brows shot up. “You mean she could drop them right now, and all would be fine?”
Cara smiled. “Yep.”
He gave a half laugh and shook his head. “Well, I’ll be . . .”
They watched Mia and Ruby for a few more minutes, then Roman said, “I feel like I should be helping out somewhere. This is a working farm, and I’m just standing here. What are your brothers doing?”
Cara scoffed. “Are you trying to ditch me, or what?”
Roman nudged her this time. “Never. Just don’t want to be taking advantage of anyone.”
“Well, it’s Christmas, and I’ll bet that Lane and Knox are playing a card game while football is on. Holt and Macie are probably in the kitchen, making the Christmas pies—they got assigned this year. And Evie and Carson—no one tries to keep track of them.”
Roman didn’t seem fazed at all with all the activity. “What about your mom? Does she need help with something?”
“Oh, she’s not shy about asking,” Cara said. “But you’re right, we should go see if there’s something that needs to be done.” She nodded toward the girls. “My dad will bring them in when they’re done, if that’s okay with you.”
“Oh, sure.” Roman straightened from the fence and shoved his hands in his pockets. “That’s nice of him, nice of all of you, to be so accommodating with Mia.”
“It’s nothing.” Cara shrugged. “I mean, she is pretty great, you know. So it makes the Texan hospitality all that much easier.”
After Cara told her dad they were going to check on Mom, she and Roman headed back to the house. “My mom likes you, you know.”
He chuckled. “We met like two hours ago.”