Thayne set his hand over the receiver, then said, “Hey, my friend Rocco is good friends with Cole Hunter. Do you know who he is?”
Cara drew a blank, but didn’t want to be rude, because the expression on Thayne’s face said that Cole Hunter was a big deal. “Sounds familiar . . .”
Thayne gave a nod. “Well, Rocco is a pro hockey player, and Cole Hunter’s a pro baseball pitcher. They run in some of the same circles, and Cole has a private jet that he’s lent to Rocco in the past. Cole owes Rocco a favor, and Rocco owes me a favor. So . . . I thought today could be payday. Rocco is texting with Cole right now, and they’re lining up a private jet through Cole’s connections.”
Thayne returned to his phone call. “What time did you say?” He glanced at the kitchen clock. “That’s quick, but she’s already packed.” He covered the receiver again. “Two hours? Can you be at the airport and ready in two hours?”
Cara stared at Thayne. “To board a private jet?”
“Yeah, it will take you to San Antonio—isn’t that the closest airport to Prosper?”
She nodded, feeling numb all over. “Yes, but I can’t accept—”
“It’s not a problem, really,” Thayne said. “In fact, I’m glad to have this favor paid up. It’s been hanging over me for some time.”
Cara thought she heard a man laughing on the other end of the line.
“I don’t know, Thayne,” she said in a more urgent tone. “It’s very sweet of you to offer, but this is way over the top.”
“What?” Thayne said, not to her. “Oh sure, Roman’s here. Wanna be on speaker?”
Before Cara knew what was happening, Thayne set his phone on the counter and pressed the speakerphone.
A man’s deep voice came through. “Hey, Roman, what’s up, buddy?”
Roman smiled. “Just enjoying Christmas in Wyoming. How about you?”
“I told Thayne that you’d love it here,” Rocco said. “How’s the kid?”
“Best day ever for Mia,” Roman said.
“You know, there’s plenty of room on that jet,” Rocco said. “I can text you over the pictures that Cole likes to show around. But if you and Mia wanted to head to Texas as well with your woman, then there’d be no problem with that.”
Roman chuckled. “My woman?” He cut an amused glance at Cara.
She shrugged—she had no idea where that had come from. She was barely comprehending that she’d be taking a private jet to Texas. Then she looked over at Thayne, who had guilt written all over his face. The man had the audacity to just grin at them.
Roman cleared his throat. “We’re really grateful for this offer for Cara. The rest we can discuss later. I’m not sure where you heard she was my woman, though. Friend, sure.” His tone was casual, but he winked at Cara.
She exhaled.
“Daddy, I want to go to Texas.” Apparently, Mia had returned at that exact moment.
All eyes turned on her.
“Is that Mia?” Rocco said. “Hey, little lady. How’s the ranch?”
Mia scurried up to the phone on the counter and propped her chin on her hand. “Good. I’m getting a puppy for my birthday.”
Rocco’s chuckle came through the phone. “Is that so?”
“Whoa . . .” Roman said, turning a sharp gaze on his daughter. “We said maybe.”
Mia blinked her beautiful eyes innocently, and Cara hid a laugh. Roman was going to be getting his daughter a puppy, that much was clear.
“I’ll update Cole,” Rocco cut in. “Plan on the three of you heading to Texas, then all favors will be squared away. You can come back the same way, too, Roman. I’m assuming your woman will be heading to California? A huge step down from Wyoming, but that’s just an opinion.”
Roman ran a hand over his face. “Thanks, Rocco.”