“What’s funny?” she asked.

“Nothing,” he said. “How much longer?”

“Twenty seconds.”

Roman lifted his head. “That’s kind of exact.”

She nodded toward a timer he hadn’t noticed. When had she set it? As if on cue, it beeped. Cara turned it off, then lifted the bowl. “Fill each goblet about a third full. Then they need to chill in the fridge for thirty minutes, then we can swap colors.”

Roman watched Cara pour her red into a couple of goblets, then he followed suit, starting at the other end of the counter. It took him a couple of attempts to get the level even in all of the goblets. But when he finished, he felt a zing of accomplishment.

Next, he helped place the goblets into the fridge.

“Now what? We wait?”

Cara’s blue eyes cut to him. “Now we wait.”