He gave her a small nod. He’d noticed and he approved.

Why relief shot through her, Cara didn’t know. She should be more careful, though. Not only would she be saying goodbye to Roman in a few days, but Mia as well. She hoped the little girl understood that. Maybe tonight, Cara would talk to her about it while they read one of the fairy books together.

“Come on through,” a man said in a jolly tone. “Grab a blanket and scoot close together. We have a full load.”

As they stepped up into the wagon, Roman’s hand touched her back, supporting her. He dropped his hand all too quickly, and Cara decided she’d imagined the small touch as being an affectionate gesture. Adding to Roman’s qualities was simply that of a gentleman.

There did seem to be a lot of people on this ride, and Cara found herself nestled quite close on a bench. Mia sat between her and Roman, but they were so tightly packed in, Roman’s shoulder nearly touched hers. The blanket proved to be a godsend. It provided the extra warmth for her legs that her coat did not.

Cara pulled her beanie down a little to make sure her ears were completely covered, then she burrowed her gloved hands beneath the blanket.

“You warm enough?” she asked Mia.

The little girl nodded as she leaned against her dad.

“You warm enough?” Roman echoed, looking at Cara.

“Getting there.”

His eyes flashed with something she couldn’t read, then he said, “That’s why you were in the shop? Keeping warm, right?”

Cara gave a sheepish smile. “Maybe.”

Roman smiled back.

The ride was both long and short at the same time. The night was beautiful, though, with stars that seemed to spread forever across the winter sky, and a moon that glowed cool and serene.

Mia chattered about other books she’d read and one of her friends at school who’d read one hundred books. Cara added in the appropriate responses, but most of her focus was on Roman and how she felt so . . . content just sitting with him and his daughter. Relaxed. Peaceful.

She wondered if Roman felt it. Especially after all he’d confessed to her about the guilt he struggled with.

When the ride finally came to an end, Cara admitted to herself that it was the best wagon ride she’d ever been on, even though she couldn’t feel her lips or nose.

Roman lifted Mia down, then held out his hand for Cara.

When she nearly stumbled against him because her legs were so stiff, he steadied her. “I think you need a hot tub or something.”

“It would set me on fire,” Cara said through numb lips.

“I’m glad you’re wearing a coat at least,” Roman said in a quiet voice. “But next time, maybe you need thermals, too?”

“Can we get more hot chocolate, Daddy?” Mia cut in.

How were her teeth not chattering?

“You really like that stuff, don’t you?” Roman said, amusement in his tone. “Do you want a cup, Cara?”

“Oh, one was enough for me earlier,” she said. “I liked the heat, but the chocolate mix left a lot to be desired.”

Roman’s brows lifted. “Do you have your own recipe or something?”

“Of course.”

“I should’ve guessed,” he said with a smile. “I’d very much like to try it.”

“It would be no problem,” Cara said, warming up just a tad as they walked. Or maybe it was from Roman’s smile.

Mia had run ahead of them and was jumping up and down in line at the hot chocolate booth.

Roman chuckled. “Looks like I’m not going to be able to dissuade Mia from the second-class powder stuff.”

“That’s all right,” Cara said, nudging him with her elbow. “My recipe might not be fully appreciated by a kid.”

“Hmm,” Roman rumbled, slowing and looking down at her, appreciation in his eyes. “Now I’m more intrigued than ever.”

Were they really flirting over a hot chocolate recipe? Cara’s heart was definitely thumping a little too much around Roman De Marco. She needed to keep things in perspective, and fast, or she’d be the next Stacy.